
Meet the brand new Allevo

Business Information Systems is finally cutting the ribbon of its fresh visual identity and officially launching the new trade name: Allevo. To celebrate the event and better explain the details regarding this major change, all Allevo customers & partners are welcome to join us in a friendly environment at Pescarus restaurant on June 7th. There […]

What’s the next step for financial inclusion?

Or… what has been brought into the light as a result of the 2 days of brainstorming and team working powered by SWIFT’s Innotribe in Mumbai. Innotribe Mumbai has been a mixture of very interesting presentations approaching different angles and highly interactive group exercises which allowed people to get to know each other, state the […]


“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.” Aristotle 384 BC-322 BC, Greek philosopher and scientist, student of Plato and teacher of Alexander the Great   From the very beginning quality has been a strategic objective of our company. The first step, obtaining an ISO 9001 certification has […]

Rebranding invitation (VII) – to friends readers

After thirteen years of business innovative activity in the financial market, it gives us a great pleasure to invite you to join us at the event we’re organizing for launching the new visual identity of Business Information Systems, Allevo. The event will take place at: Pescarus Restaurant – Herastrau Park Tuesday, 7 June 2011, at […]

Interoperability with the Business Community

  At the IDC Conference, IT in Government 2011, taking place on the 31st of May at Marriott Hotel Bucharest, our CEO, Mr. Sorin Guiman, addressed in the presentation “Interoperability with the Business Community” themes of general interest such as regional/global interoperability & the relation between individuals and the State, from the perspective of Allevo portfolio, IT solutions concept&implementation, impact on participants, risks and their […]

Rebranding point (VI) – Final match(es)

We’re using here the term “match” in both most common meanings: match as a debate and match as a compliance/adjustments situation between several features/appearances. First, the debate meaning: we’re debating, within the team, with our suppliers and with our consultants. There’s not about ‘who’s stronger’ here, but ‘who’s right’ helps, ‘who’s prompt’ helps even more. […]

EPC sets out Sepa mobile payments guidelines

Following our posts about SEPA (most recent in April 2011 ECB calls for Sepa deadline extension), we invite you to read more on this theme, freshly announced on Finextra: Banking representative body the European Payments Council (EPC) has released a set of guidelines for mobile contactless transactions in the Single Euro Payments Area (Sepa). The […]

Rebranding recipe (V) – Uniqueness and innovation…

…the combination we bet on. Allevo brand is the personification of what we do and how we do our work. It represents our company’s team, its aspirations and vision for the future, its work philosophy and market approach. Going back 12 years ago, when Business Information Systems just started its activity, the user of banking […]

ECB calls for Sepa deadline extension

If you read our December 2010 post about Sepa migration deadlines we think you’ll be again very interested in new details on this theme, announced on Finextra: The European Central Bank is calling for an extension to the mandatory end-dates proposed by the European Commission for the enforced introduction of new payments instruments under the […]

Pre-Remittances activity

It’s only me! That’s my second short visit to London and the second fire exercise I live; only this time it happened to what by my biological time would have been 6 am, and by local standards was 4am! Anyway, they (locals) have magnificent systematization: a red-lighted alarm intermittently flushing from the ceiling, ringing that […]