
The Future in Banking Technology Forum, Bucharest, April 5, 2012

  The trends and innovations for payment systems were revealed today, during the second edition of The Future in Banking Technology Forum, as distinguished panelists have gathered to talk about future and innovative payments, challenges and opportunities in implementing SEPA, as well as the implications it has on the banking system customers, about the rapid […]

e-Finance, March 2012

The e-Finance 9th Awards Gala, held at JW Marriott Bucharest Grand Hotel on February 28, does manage very well every year to bring together the most important players in the Romanian IT&C and Finance sectors. Again this year, Allevo was among the winners. Together with CEC Bank, for our more than 10 years long outstanding […]

Sibos Osaka, here we come!

Remember what I told you in my previous post about being present? Well, it was not just for the sake of writing something. Therefore, I am glad to let you know that our presence at Sibos this year in Osaka is now official 🙂 Not only that we have registered, but we already know where […]

Allevo Survey

We really want to know what you, our business partners, really think of us. We are not indifferent to your opinions, suggestions or possible complaints. You can show your enthusiasm or spill your gut out 🙂 Now is your chance. Allevo is organizing a new survey among its business partners, using the facility provided by […]

e-Finance Awards Gala – 9th Edition – February 28, 2012

Just two days after the Academy Awards night, we had another gala to be witness too. This time as nominees, not only TV spectators of a fabulous show. I’m talking about the e-Finance Awards Gala, held at JW Marriott Bucharest Grand Hotel, yesterday evening. Yes, it is true, it does not have the same international awareness […]

e-Finance Awards Gala – 9th Edition – February 28, 2012

Just two days after the Academy Awards night, we had another gala to be witness too. This time as nominees, not only TV spectators of a fabulous show. I’m talking about the e-Finance 9th Awards Gala, held at JW Marriott Bucharest Grand Hotel, yesterday evening. And not only as nominees, but also as winners. Together […]

Allevo at SWIFTRemit Business Day in Casablanca

Casablanca – known as the biggest city and port in Morocco or even more likely, the set for Humphrey Bogart and Ingrid Bergman’s love story. Too bad Rick’s Café didn’t really exist, because I would have liked to sit there and listen to Sam (Dooley Wilson) playing As Time Goes By. But that’s me, Corina […]

Being Present

Yes, you don’t need to tell me again, the internet is the future. I am a Social Media Marketing person, I should be counting on this. And yes, there are people who actually believe they can start a revolution with only “like” and “share”. Whether this is or can be true or not, I can’t […]

SWIFTRemit Business Day, February 2012

Allevo will participate this February to SWIFTRemit Business Day, event that will take place in Casablanca, Morocco on the 15th of next month. In Casablanca, industry peers from banks, money transfer operators, postal organisations, exchange houses as well as SWIFT experts will take a closer look at current trends and challenges in the cross-border person-to-person […]