
CIO Review – Finance Management Software Providers

Allevo has been recognized by CIO Review Magazine among the 10 Most Promising Finance Management Software Providers 2014. Find attached the interview of our CEO, Corina Mihalache. CIO Review – Finance Management Software Providers

May 2014

In developing countries, mobile payment solutions have been deployed as a means of extending financial services to the community known as the “unbanked” or “underbanked,” which is estimated to be as much as 50% of the world’s adult population. Iframe not supported

Future of Open Source

Wednesday, April 23, 2014 by Mihai Guiman The annual Future of Open Source Survey, which provides a report on the state of the open source industry and analysis of future trends, reached its 8th edition. This year the survey confirmed that the open source movement is getting more and more attention, having received over 1200 […]

FINkers United for Dummies continued

23  April  2014   Where were we? Ah, we have clarified some general aspects like what is FINkers United, what is its purpose, how can you become a member and so on and now it is time to explain what roles you can have in this community and how you can actually contribute. Chapter 2: […]

FinTechAthon – Allevo blog

Tuesday, April 22, 2014 by Andrei Dutescu   11-13 of April (yes, it was also during the weekend), me and my colleague Horia attended the FinTechAthon organized by Startupbootcamp, a Fintech accelerator. To put simple, it was a 48 hour hackathon organized in London, which gathered business experts in payments, IT architects and developers. The […]

FINkers United – Beyond the Obvious

Tuesday, April 22, 2014 by Ioana Guiman   Last week Allevo ran its 24th User Group meeting. These are biannual events where we invite people in the operations, business and IT areas of banks, people who work on a daily basis with good old qPayIntegrator, and also people who could be interested in using our […]

The 24th, User Group I mean

Friday, April 11, 2014   April 10th, 7:30 AM: waking up with the sound the rain makes on the window sill. Any other day this week would have been just fine, but today we have the User Group. And everybody knows how the traffic in Bucharest gets when a few drops of rain fall on […]

Allevo User Group – 24th Edition, April 10, 2014

It did not come as a surprise that the main actors at the 24th edition of our User Group were SEPA for the first half and our FinTP project for the second half. In supporting roles we had Support, Customer Support (optimizing the services), Survey (the customer survey we did with Microsoft), Maintenance (implementing additional […]

April 2014

Allevo ran its 24th User Group meeting where we invited an attorney specialized in intellectual property legislation who advises us on how to manage the legal aspects of the FINkers United community. She pointed out that FINkers United guarantees, among others, two key things: copyright and trademark. Iframe not supported