
Garanti Bank Romania implemented Allevo’s open source solution for processing payments

Garanti Bank Romania selected FinTP, Allevo’s open source solution to connect to SWIFTNet, ensuring compliance to SEPA standards and regulations, in order to optimize its operations. The bank continues, as such, to grow rapidly on the Romanian market, offering better services to its customers. By adopting FinTP, Garanti Bank Romania benefits from a technology that […]

PSD2 News from EBA – July 2017

July was a pretty busy month for EBA in terms of PSD2 updates. No wonder, actually, as implementation is due in less than 6 months. 7 July – Final Guidelines on Professional Indemnity Insurance (PII) under PSD2 These Guidelines, applicable from 13 January 2018, address the criteria on how to stipulate the minimum monetary amount […]

June Highlights in the Financial Industry

  Let’s take a look at what June had to offer us in the banking and FinTech bubble. HINT: it’s mostly about cooperation in the industry, RegTech and open banking, with a dash of cybersecurity and trends. Cross-border Cooperation in FinTech After signing a FinTech co-operation agreement with Indonesia earlier this year, Australia pushed the […]

Money2020 Copenhagen – Final Thoughts

Now that Money20/20 is still fresh in our minds, and before moving on to other topics of interest, let’s take a look together at the agenda of the events we attended, the debates that really matter in order to shape up the future of the financial ecosystem. General sessions (mostly mentioned in our previous blog […]

Money2020 Copenhagen – Day 3 Highlights

The final day of Money20/20 came upon us and we had to say goodbye to charming Copenhagen, but not without taking in more pieces of wisdom and insights from all over the financial ecosystem. After a debate on the power, potential and perils of personal data, focused on how regulation is actually driving innovation, we […]

Money2020 Copenhagen – Day 2 Highlights

  Our second day at Money20/20 Europe was marked by a lot of optimism, energy and desire to make things better, as talks focused once again on collaboration, partnership and innovation, with a particular accent on user experience (UX), APIs, blockchain and PSD2. Under the magic wand of Pat Patel, Content Director for Money 20/20 […]

Money2020 Copenhagen – Day 1 Highlights

After a bit of a hassle with a cancelled flight, Allevo managed to land in Copenhagen just in time for Money20/20 Europe, and we’re now bringing you “Day 1 Highlights” as seen through our lens. Before diving into the engaging debates and interviews quoted below, we must say that representatives of banks and FinTechs alike […]

Security Controls Under the New SWIFT Customer Security Programme

Cyberattacks are becoming more and more prominent and the funds transfer arena is one of the preferred targets of such threats. Given the agility and evolution of these cyber threats, combating fraud on the long term is a challenge and a key prevention factor for the entire financial industry. CSP Context and Principles As SWIFT […]

Turning Disruption into Harmony

Tired of hearing about banking disruption? You’re not to blame, it’s a scary term feeding off a mound of vulnerabilities and it’s been flooding the media lately. Are FinTechs the Big Bad Wolf? Banks are increasingly often portrayed as if walking with a dark cloud dubbed FinTech over their heads, threatening to rain on their […]

Taking Microfinance to the Next Level

The big picture of microfinance is about loans, money transfers, insurance and, in some cases, deposits, just like in the “normal world”. But all the differentiating details eventually create a very specific need, and that must be addressed accordingly. What Does Microfinance Stand For? Though its history can be traced back to the 1800s, microfinance […]