
Allevo blog

I’ve been talking a lot with you about our project FinTP and the new-born community FINkers United. What I realised is that I haven’t been talking enough with my colleagues about it, to see what they really think. And not in the meetings we have, but in a more relaxed discussion. Andreea’s answer was pretty […]

Allevo blog

Monthly Posts: August Allevo at Sibos Osaka 2012   August  Allevo’s presence at Sibos this year will be under the signs of: What’s NEW this year? FinTP and FINkers United, that’s what’s new! Our project FinTP gravitates around the bold idea of developing an open source application for financial transactions processing and a creative community […]

Allevo blog

Monthly Posts: June Innotribed for Good I took the liberty to write this post on a more personal note. Because I just felt the need to share my feelings and my enthusiasm regarding the previous week that I have spent in Belfast with the Innotribe team. Intensive work and few sleeping hours, but, my god, […]

Allevo blog

Monthly Posts: May “Being Present” Becomes Tradition – Allevo at SWIFT’s CEE Regional Conference, Vienna, June 4-6, 2012 Vienna once again, SWIFT CEE Regional Conference once more. As accustomed for the past years, Allevo is a sponsor and exhibiting partner and its delegation will be present at this year’s CEERC. So, if you wanna say […]

Allevo blog

RedHat Summit 2016 opening plenary started with a powerful message delivered by   Jim Whitehurst, Red Hat’s president and CEO : helping communities innovate beyond the sum of their individual members is the leadership challenge of our time. The speech focused on the 4th industrial revolution that is happening right now : billions of people and […]

Allevo blog

EBAday 2016, Europe’s leading transaction banking and payments exhibition and conference organized by the Euro Banking Association and Finextra Research between June 7-8th, in Milan, put in the spot light hot topics of the payments industry agenda under the umbrella: “A brave new world for payments – the future of European payments industry”. More than […]

Allevo blog

Monthly Posts: May SWIFT African Regional Conference Mauritius It is extremely difficult to focus on FinTech when SWIFT organizes its largest event for the African market in Mauritius. SWIFT chose an amazing venue and attracted around 500 participants from 40 countries. But it’s only fair to start with the obvious and  state that Mauritius is […]

Allevo blog

Last week I attended Money2020 in Copenhagen. There are quite a few known voices in the blogosphere who have already reviewed the event and concluded it was extremely well organized for its first go on the European stage. Duena Blomstrom – Money 2020 Europe – this is how we rolled “[..] it had a trendy, […]

Allevo blog

Monthly Posts: March Change   March  Change, whether related to the life of a person or evolution of a company, is perceived as a transformation that takes place that is visible and can be acknowledged by others as well. For Allevo, 2016 brought a lot of change, both good and bad and both foreseen and […]

Allevo blog

Monthly Posts: January Is There Anything In It for Open Source Software Adopters?   January  I have been asked to write an article for the first Allevo newsletter of 2016. Then I got a wealth of friendly advice on how to do it – comply KISS (Keep It Simple Sorin – to just paraphrase their […]