e-Finance issue, March 2010

“Corporate to Banks business revival”
Best practices for Corporate to Bank space. How to improve and enlarge several business lines, using SWIFT & BIS solution for this segment, an article by Mrs Cristina Cioroboiu, business analyst BIS, here attached.

Workers Remittances and Anti Money Laundering

Financial-Banking Experts, representatives of Compliance, New Products & Channels and Retail Departments from several banks honored our invitation to attend.

The presentations prepared by our business analysts addressed the two main announced themes but they also led to other subjects of interest.

For more details read our blog article.

We’re proud to be the initiators of the Romanian SEPA Conferences Series, in May 2008. Since then, BIS had an increasingly active role, not only by organizing, sponsoring and delivering technical & business presentations, but also by hosting several workshops on SEPA. You probably read about those at their time, here on the blog or on our company’s site.

The Series continued with the
4th SEPA Conference on the 16th of March
organized by FinMedia and the Romanian Banking Association and, of course, we were there.


Panelists representing the main Romanian official bodies involved in the project discussed the status of the project, the legal framework or stated their point of view. Special guests from SWIFT, the Romanian Banking Association -coordinator of the project for SEPA implementation at the national level, the National Bank of Romania and TransFonD had valuable presentations.


Business Information Systems participated with two interesting presentations on creation & responsibility and on BIS’ already achieved certifications/capabilities for the coming SEPA needs of the market (find this conference’s panels and our presentations on our website).


If additional information is needed in the Romanian financial market, we’ll strive to be the first to provide it.
So keep in touch with us, with our business analysts, with our briefings and workshops!



Intercontinental Hotel Bucharest

The 4th SEPA Conference was sponsored by Business Information Systems.


09:30 – 10:00 Introductive session – Radu Negrea (ARB), Razvan Vartolomei (BNR), Bogdan Dragoi (MoPF), Mirela Palade (TransFonD)

10:00 – 11:30 “SEPA at European & Romanian level” – Rodica Tuchila (ARB) “Accomplishments and perspectives on SEPA implementation” – Constantin Rotaru (BNR) “SEPA Implementation” – Sorin Guiman ( BIS )

12:00 – 13:00 “SWIFT Solutions” – Marc Pomes Bordedebat (SWIFT) “Payments infrastructures connectivity solutions” – Corina Mihalache (BIS)


Sorin Guiman’s presentation

Corina Mihalache’s presentation


Business Information Systems exhibited at EBADay 2010 inLuxembourg.

Latest business opportunities & developments and appropriatesolutions to ensure proper involvement of all stakeholders in theSEPA project were presented to the visitors.


Usually referred to as workers’ remittances, it’s about very low value transactions through a large variety of channels. That brings us to the connection between the two themes of the 3rd BIS Seminar:

Workshop III/2010
March, the 25th
Workers’ Remittances & Anti Money Laundering
The role of remittances, payments dynamics, current transfers, anti money laundering measures and other key words will be the main discussion threads in an informal meeting we are inviting you to take part to. You’ll meet other banks’ and corporates’ representatives whom you’ll be able to exchange opinions with. Our business analysts will also be here and everywhere they’re needed….
We’ll welcome your questions as a valuable contribution to a good and clarifying Seminar.
LATER UPDATES: Details and some photos from the seminar are on our website.

Next on BIS’ Workshops:
Trade Finance and Liquidity Management (planned on May, the 5th)


“Updates on SEPA”

Payments Systems, Cash Management and IT Departments representatives, mostly from Financial Institutions, directly involved in the project, received from our business analysts the latest news on SEPA, milestones settled and known this far.

For more details read our blog article.

SEPA Project has been a hot subject in the financial sector for some time now and will still make the front-line of specialized financial debates even from now on until a common understanding and acceptance will be reached.

Aiming to continuously comply with the financial industry’s standardization initiatives, BIS certified its qPayIntegrator application with SWIFT for its compliance with SEPA standards, thus keeping the SEPA Project on top of its priority list.


Some say the SEPA Project has evolved and we are heading towards its full adherence, others sustain that no important progress has been made and very few will adopt the standards unless a deadline will be imposed by the European Commission. In the meantime, some steps forward have been made on the Romanian local market, having in view TransFonD’s declared intentions to offer a SEPA compliant clearing & settlement infrastructure.


Regularly, BIS has taken the market’s pulse on the status of the project by hosting several workshops; on March 4th, we opened another free debate regarding SEPA updates, where Cash Management, Operations and IT Departments representatives, from corporate and financial institutions, shared the latest news on SEPA, their status & future intentions.
It is difficult to concentrate in one conclusion the pros and cons expressed at this workshop, as well as the progress or stagnation registered by each player in the adoption of SEPA standards, but somehow a strong implementation deadline turned out to be a real driver for this project’s evolution.


Well, it looks like the waiting will soon be over: not long after our workshop, we found out the following:

On March, the 3rd, the European Parliament’s Motion for a Resolution calls again on the Commission to set a clear, appropriate and binding end-date, which should be no later than 31 December 2012, for migrating to SEPA instruments, after which all payments in Euro must be made using the SEPA standards. [source]

This announcement marks the end of the uncertainty and skepticism, this is the call for action! A binding end-date makes everything clear: SEPA instruments are soon to be adopted ! We should all (consumers, companies, banks and infrastructures) find out the rules of the new game, the benefits and actions to be taken in order to comply.
What is your status?



What is the link between awards and AML? You don’t have to search too far.
You’ll definitely find that the partnership between Business Information Systems and Raiffeisen Bank Romania, has been awarded, at the Gala of e-Finance Prizes on the 4th of March, the

e-Support Prize
for the first Romanian
Anti Money Laundering
software deployed solution – handling large transaction volume.

Besides the Crystal Trophy and the Red Ribbon, we also shared with Raiffeisen Bank Romania, the Champaign, the refined bottle of wine and a few valuable books among which “The Optimist’s/Pessimist’s Guide”. The picture here is only to brief you, as, of course, not all the trophies could be assembled in the photo. You may find more photos on our website.


Bank-Corporate business over SWIFT channel


Treasury, Cash Management and Operations Managers from Big Corporates and Banks honored our invitation.

The presentations generated an informal dialogue with our business analysts.

For more details read our blog article.