
Turning Disruption into Harmony

Tired of hearing about banking disruption? You’re not to blame, it’s a scary term feeding off a mound of vulnerabilities and it’s been flooding the media lately. Are FinTechs the Big Bad Wolf? Banks are increasingly often portrayed as if walking with a dark cloud dubbed FinTech over their heads, threatening to rain on their […]

Future Banking Bucharest – May 2017

We kicked off this week at a conference held by at Sheraton Hotel Bucharest, under the sign of “Digital, the New Black in Banking”. Day 1 – Cybersecurity + Digital Banking + UX for Financial Institutions After a high-level keynote speech on the cybersecurity landscape by Sebastien Kucharek, head of Treasury & Trade Solutions […]

Open Source (Software) Pitfall

Thursday, May 29, 2014   by Mihai Guiman   Everybody has heard about open source software. The sad part is that few understand what it is. Last week I have attended a networking event aimed to gather professionals from the IT industry and university representatives, mainly focusing on research and innovative projects. I thought it […]

FINkers United for Dummies continued

23  April  2014   Where were we? Ah, we have clarified some general aspects like what is FINkers United, what is its purpose, how can you become a member and so on and now it is time to explain what roles you can have in this community and how you can actually contribute. Chapter 2: […]

The 24th, User Group I mean

Friday, April 11, 2014   April 10th, 7:30 AM: waking up with the sound the rain makes on the window sill. Any other day this week would have been just fine, but today we have the User Group. And everybody knows how the traffic in Bucharest gets when a few drops of rain fall on […]

FINkers United for Dummies

Monday, March 24, 2014   First time I saw a “for Dummies” brochure, I found the expression a bit offensive. Even now, I thought twice whether to name this text “for Dummies” or “FINkers United ABCs”. But reading that first brochure I understood the value of it: having things explained, plain and simple, common language, […]

23rd User Group on the 23rd

Thursday, October 24, 2013   Not quite a tradition yet, but, just like in May, the day after the FinTP hackathon #2, we organized the Allevo User Group. The 23rd edition on 23. And the reason behind it stays the same: we wanted to debate the ideas from this hackathon’s kick-off while they were still […]

Allevo at Sibos Dubai 2013 – Day One

Monday, September 16, 2013   I don’t know if I should start by quoting Chris Skinner “At 40 years old, is SWIFT going through a mid-life crisis”, but I can say the first day of Sibos gathered quite a crowd. Maybe that’s why the wi-fi connection didn’t stand a chance, not that this should have […]

At the End of an Eventful Week

Friday, May 17, 2013 Busy week at Allevo: started with arranging the final details for what we’ve preparing for a while now; and that is the FinTP hackathon on Wednesday and the 22nd User Group on Thursday. I won’t bore you with the preparations, as you’ve already seen part of what it all meant on […]

FinTP Hackathon, May 15, 2013

    May 15th was the day of the FinTP hackathon; an important day for all of us at Allevo, as it was the first event of this type that we have ever organized. The goal of the event was to enable collaboration for developing the FinTP platform and offer the relevant resources for the […]