
Allevo at Sibos

So. Allevo is exhibiting this year at #Sibos, the no 1 event any company acting in the financial services space should plan to be at. SWIFT has delivered Sibos for 40 years now and it still manages to surprise the audience year after year with fresh relevant content and exquisite participants. Let’s meet on site. Alina Enache, Ioana […]

Allevo and Erste on The Regtech Show 2.01 – Open Banking, Eastern Outflanking?

We are honored to be featured in the episode of The Regtech Show, ran by Fintech Finance, alongside the amazing Birte Quitt, Erste Group’s Head of Group Retail Strategy. She tells the story of George and how incredibly successful is has been since its launch in Romania. Erste Romania is one of the largest banks […]

Allevo blog

Monthly Posts: May Rebranding point (VI) – Final match(es) We’re using here the term “match” in both mostcommon meanings: match as a debate and match as acompliance/adjustments situation between severalfeatures/appearances. First, the debate meaning: we’re debating, withinthe team, with our suppliers and with our consultants. There’s notabout ‘who’s stronger’ here, but ‘who’s right’helps, ‘who’s prompt’ […]

Allevo blog

Monthly Posts: June Are you waiting for a SEPA end date? Today is the last day youcan send feedback and comments on a commission workingdocument focused on SEPA migrationend-date …. You can comment on implementation approach, waivingor not the niche products, transitional provision and otherimportant aspects … You can find the document here By: […]

Allevo blog

Monthly Posts: February Workshop II / 2010: No recent news about SEPA? Updates here!   February  We would like to share news & facts aboutSEPA with you, our friends, partners andclients. The Single Euro Payment Area Project has been under continuousdevelopment since our last workshop on SEPA in 2009, recent updatesare more than necessary. We […]

Allevo blog

Monthly Posts: April Partnering Up to Encourage Student Open Source Programs – Summer of Code 2012   April  Yesterday, April 26, ROSEdu announced the launch of this year student project: Summer of Code 2012 ROSEdu’s mission is to initiate, support and develop education based on the values of Open Source. And Allevo supports that. We […]

Allevo blog

Monthly Posts: May Open Source (Software) Pitfall by Mihai Guiman Everybody has heard about open source software. The sad part is that few understand what it is. Last week I have attended a networking event aimed to gather professionals from the IT industry and university representatives, mainly focusing on research and innovative projects. I thought […]

Allevo blog

Monthly Posts: March FINkers United for Dummies   March  First time I saw a “for Dummies” brochure, I found the expression a bit offensive. Even now, I thought twice whether to name this text “for Dummies” or “FINkers United ABCs”. But reading that first brochure I understood the value of it: having things explained, plain […]

Allevo blog

Monthly Posts: April FINkers United for Dummies continued   April  Where were we? Ah, we have clarified some general aspects like what is FINkers United, what is its purpose, how can you become a member and so on and now it is time to explain what roles you can have in this community and how […]

Allevo blog

Monthly Posts: August Allevo at Sibos Osaka 2012   August  Allevo’s presence at Sibos this year will be under the signs of: What’s NEW this year? FinTP and FINkers United, that’s what’s new! Our project FinTP gravitates around the bold idea of developing an open source application for financial transactions processing and a creative community […]