
Feedback of the romanian market on SEPA instruments adoption

Since SEPA Project is a hot topic of the moment and BIS has been continuously preoccupied with its evolution, why don’t we first approach this subject? In June 2009, BIS initiated and hosted in its conference room a series of 3 workshops on SEPA-related matters, gathering around 30 participants from the banking sector and 15 […]

Allevo article in Ziarul Financiar: Progress of the Whizzer project

Allevo, with the support of a grant from Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway through the EEA and Norwegian Financial Mechanisms 2014-2021, in the frame of the “SMEs Growth Romania” programme, is half-way with the Whizzer project, as per the 2018/115906 contract.

Allevo on the Whizzer project: Mid-progress announcement

Allevo, with the support of a grant from Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway through the EEA and Norwegian Financial Mechanisms 2014-2021, in the frame of the “SMEs Growth Romania” programme, is half-way with the Whizzer project, as per the 2018/115906 contract.

2019 in Review

It’s that time of the year again when we wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Before taking time to relax and reflect on life, the universe and everything, we look at 2019’s achievements. The board of Allevo is extremely proud to have accomplished so much in what feels like 3 years, […]

Allevo User Group – 32nd Edition, November 21, 2019

  Allevo team was very excited to celebrate 21 years on the market on November 21, 2019, with very distinguished guests: customers, partners, colleagues and supporters. We also organized our 32nd edition of the User Group Meeting were we wanted to find out more about the issues that our clients and invitees are struggling right […]

Allevo at the Annual Payments Forum

Allevo was invited by the National Bank of Romania to moderate the “New technologies – trends, innovative tech solutions, new business models” panel, at the Annual Payments Forum.