
FINkers United in a Word or Two

I would like to start this article with lyrics from the song we ended the FINkers United event with, yesterday: “it’s a beautiful day / don’t let it get away”. Why? Because this is how you feel when the effort of hard late-night hours of work and preparations do pay off. And I won’t let […]

FINkers United, Bucharest, May 24, 2012

The 24 of May has been an important day for Allevo and for the open source initiatives. FINkers United, the first “unconference” event in Romania, gathered experienced users and customers from the financial industry, various legal, technical and business experts, recognized thought leaders, to talk about and share opinions on Allevo’s initiative to develop an […]

FinKers United, May 24, 2012 Giving New Meaning to the Word Togheter

  They say that user-centered design is a cutting-edge trend that involves customers and end users in the design of products and services. It has been proven that the highly experienced and knowledgeable users of today are a great source of insights, and if involved, can ensure that companies create better products and services that […]

Book the Date FINkers United, Bucharest, May 24, 2012

  Told you I’ll be back with updates 🙂 On what? Well, on our FINkers United event, of course. Don’t have the date booked in your calendars yet? It’s time you do. Because I promise you, we’ll have the “unconference” time of our lives. Here is how the show will go on, and on, and […]

Partnering Up to Encourage Student Open Source Programs – Summer of Code 2012

  Yesterday, April 26, ROSEdu announced the launch of this year student project: Summer of Code 2012. ROSEdu’s mission is to initiate, support and develop education based on the values of Open Source. And Allevo supports that. We wanted to be among those who encourage both open source initiatives and student projects. We do believe […]

Happy Easter!

  Hope the Easter Bunny pays each and everyone of you a visit 🙂 By: Ioana Moldovan

Allevo User Group – 20th Edition, Bucharest, April 6, 2012

On April 6, Hilton Hotel has hosted the 20 edition of Allevo’s User Group. Besides the usual user group specific information consisting of news and improvements coming with the third version of our qPay Integrator solution, our agenda featured two hopefully interesting topics: one is the near future launch of SiT! – Allevo’s new helpdesk […]

Allevo User Group – 20th Edition, Bucharest, April 6, 2012

I just got back from Allevo’s 20 User Group, so I would like to take a few moments to thank everyone who was by our side at the event today and not only today, but through our entire joined qPayIntegrator experience. Besides the usual user group specific information consisting of news and improvements coming with […]

The Future in Banking Technology Forum, Bucharest, April 5, 2012

The trends and innovations for payment systems were revealed today, during the second edition of The Future in Banking Technology Forum, as distinguished panelists have gathered to talk about future and innovative payments, challenges and opportunities in implementing SEPA, as well as the implications it has on the banking system customers, about the rapid evolution […]