
Market Watch, July-August 2014

In July-August issue of Market Watch our Andrei Bogza, Quality Assurance Tester Allevo, talks about the need for security specialists in IT. *Note: the attached article is in Romanian Market Watch: De ce au nevoie companiile de spe…

FinTP on EBAday TV

Wednesday, July 09, 2014   In Helsinki, our CEO Corina Mihalache gave an interview for EBAday TV. She talked about the biggest challenges in building an open source community in such a highly regulated financial environment and the role of FinTP in the future of financial transactions processing. Enjoy!     By Ioana Moldovan,09 July […]

Allevo, FinTP and the Innotribe Startup Challenge

Most of the Allevo stories these days go around FinTP. In short, this is an application built for financial institutions of any profile and size, that processes payments and other types of financial transactions, understands data and generates various reports for operations and business oriented people. What is special about it and what differentiates FinTP […]

White Nights at EBAday

Tuesday, June 24, 2014   EBAday is the annual forum organized by the Euro Banking Association and Finextra Research, the leading independent newswire and information source for the worldwide financial technology community. Each year payments professionals from across Europe gather for this event. This year it was time for the 9th edition of EBAday and […]

Open Source

Allevo protects the intellectual property of its own contributions to the FinTP project and its trademarks as provided in the Proof of Entitlement In January 2014 Allevo started the publication process of the FinTP Project,an application for processing financial transactions. FinTP capitalizes on a ten years practice proven commercially available application, qPayIntegrator. The new distribution model […]

June 2014

In this issue of our newsletter we invite you to find out what was like at EBAday 2014, how useful it is to get involved in the FinTech industry startup community, about the experience of a FinTP contributor on GitHub, how Tesla Motors sets an unprecedented example for the open source mentality among carmakers and […]

Open Source (Software) Pitfall

Thursday, May 29, 2014   by Mihai Guiman   Everybody has heard about open source software. The sad part is that few understand what it is. Last week I have attended a networking event aimed to gather professionals from the IT industry and university representatives, mainly focusing on research and innovative projects. I thought it […]

FINkers United for Dummies continued II

Thursday, May 29, 2014 It’s time to see how you can actually work in the community. For those of you who want to amaze us with your pieces of code, here are some answers to the questions you may have. Chapter 3: The coding experience First of all, where can I find the code? You […]

A Quick Look into Mobile Payments

Thursday, May 29, 2014   by Andrei Dutescu   As probably most of you already know, mobile payments, also referred to as mobile money or mobile money transfer, generally refer to payment services operated under financial regulation and performed from or via a mobile device. So, basically, instead of paying with cash, cheque or credit […]

EBAday Helsinki 2014

For the 6th year in a row, we have been among the exhibitors. As SEPA continued to be one of the hot topics on the agenda, we have taken the discussions beyond SEPA compliance and also talked about the future of processing financial transactions. With all the changes in financial industry, we believe open source […]