
Whizzer Project Allevo and Bakken & Bæck implemented the Whizzer project. The project benefits from a EEA & Norway Grants grant investment from Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway through the EEA and Norwegian Financial Mechanisms 2014-2021, in the frame of the Programme “SMEs Growth Romania”, operated by Innovation Norway. The total value of the investment is EUR […]

The Whizzer project gives SMEs a user friendly financial reporting application

Context Allevo and Bakken & Bæck are almost finalizing the implementation of the Whizzer project. The project benefits from an EEA & Norway Grants grant investment operated by Innovation Norway, SMEs Growth Programme. The total value of the investment is EUR 738.375, with EUR 420.000 nonrefundable. Back in 2018, Allevo submitted the grant application and […]

Allevo at CFO Conference – March 4th 2021

The perfect context to present some of the results of the Whizzer project: the service itself that allows a company to get bank statements from all its partner banks and run a reconciliation process between invoices issued to customers and incoming payments, and invoices received from suppliers and outgoing payments.

Allevo User Group 33

The yearly Allevo User Group event no 33 went online, for obvious reasons. We were happy though to be able to see our long time customers and partners and show them a wrap-up of 2020, new features of FinTP, a demo of FinTPc, highlights of the Whizzer project, and new features under way: Instant Payments, […]


Allevothon: or how to improve your software development processes in a fun way