
Allevo Events

Allevo User Group – 29th Edition On November 15, we organized the 29th edition of Allevo’s User Group Meeting. As we are approaching the end of the year, the discussions were focused on Allevo’s projects in 2016, our plans for 2017, the partnership with SWIFT and information about two initiatives new for the Romanian banking […]

Allevo at Sibos

Allevo has had a continuous presence at Sibos as visitors since 1999 and has been an exhibitor at Sibos since 2008. Allevo also increased the awareness around its open solution for processing financial transactions (FinTP) and hopes to expand the community around it, made good new connections, established new strategic partnerships and started talking with […]


Allevo has been an exhibitor at EBAday since 2009, responding with its own solutions and services to each year’s hot topics approached by the Euro Banking Association in collaboration with Finextra Research. Every year, senior executives, practitioners and key stakeholders from across the payments industry, lead the discussions on the conference floor via a dynamic series of […]

Other Events

European Business Awards 2018 May 22: Allevo – National Winner for Digital Technology at the European Business Awards in Warsaw According to the judges, the Digital Technology Award goes to the organisation that best demonstrates that it has substantially improved its operational performance in terms of workflow effectiveness, customer experience management, increased turnover and improved […]

2018 – Allevo

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2017 – Allevo

Pentru informatii detaliate despre celelalte programe cofinantate de Uniunea Europeana, va invitam sa vizitati Continutul acestui material nu reprezinta in mod obligatoriu pozitia oficiala a Uniunii Europene sau a Guvernului Romaniei

2016 – Allevo

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1999 – Allevo

First steps were caught between two crisis:the famous Y2K and the deep domestic financial chaos.Thus, Business Information Systems started off byimplementing Y2K conformity projects and paymentsystems based on IBM MERVA solution Concluding business alliances withprestigious providers: IBM, SWIFT, Microsoft, Oracle, Lotus,Tivoli, Infosys, Vision Solutions, Brokat Becoming IBM Solution Providerand crosoft Certified SolutionProvider  

2000 – Allevo

Starting the ISO 9001:2000 certificationprocess Providing services for the migration fromMerva to SWIFTAlliance Access / SWIFTAlliance Entry, aproject highly required by banks due to Merva’ supportwithdrawal DesigningFMA, a solution providing thereal-time resilience of SWIFTAllianceservers Designing InfoFlow, asolution for process improvement, currently renamedEsfera Becoming Tivoli Business Partner  

2005 – Allevo

Launching ReconS, areal-time Nostro/Vostro accounts reconciliation solution,providing also a tool for exception management &investigation Improving customers support Becoming Oracle and MQ Software partners Exhibiting at SOFE (SWIFT Operations Forum- Europe), Antwerp, Belgium Exhibiting at SWIFT Regional Conference in Central andEastern Europe, Zagreb, Croatia