
Allevo blog

Monthly Posts: December Happy winter holidays!   December  To end this year, we wish everybody a merry Christmas and a happyNew Year on behalf of our crew. We’re looking forward to aprosperous, rich and wonderful series of 365 days – starting as ofJan 1st 2010! By: Ioana Guiman Tagged: BISLeave comment Management Style in SPI […]

Allevo blog

Monthly Posts: November Corporate-Bank Solutions in a Workshop   November  Continuing the debates approached within theRomanian Financial Symposium (3 – 4 November 2009)where BIS held a seminar in collaboration with SWIFTrepresentatives, we organized a workshop at our premises focused onthe corporate-bank relations. Our intention was to gather in thesame place representatives of the Corporate Clients […]

Allevo blog

Monthly Posts: October BIS Solutions User Group #15   October  Today we’ve hosted our 15th usergroup at our headquarters, in the special conferenceroom. Our guests were key representatives of the Romanianfinancial institutions, users of BIS solutions and a Romanian BanksAssociation’s member. The agenda covered a SLAperformance report on our products within the last 4 months ( sincethe […]

Allevo blog

Monthly Posts: August SEPA: Deadline for a deadline   August  Evenif the summer is close to an end, we are still talking aboutvacations. Nevertheless, I would like to open a discussion here,about how each of us is seeing this end of the year and especiallyabout what changes it might bring for the preparation of 2010, […]

Allevo blog

Monthly Posts: September Life after Sibos   September  A week has passedsince Sibos doors have shut down for 2009. All in all, the eventsummed up more participants than expected, but a lot fewer thanVienna(maybe a man*daysreporttheparticipation will bring a clearer view ). Moreover, the splitfloors system ( all banks stacked on the ground floor and […]

Allevo blog

Monthly Posts: July An Interesting Speech on Software Aquisitions I’ve just read the speach of Paul D. Nielsen, Directorand CEO of the Carnegie Mellon Software Engineering Institutebefore U.S. House of Representatives. Very interesting for everyone in the softwareindustry, including the 10 reasons for software aquisitionsfailures: 1. Technology key to program success is new to theorganization […]

Allevo blog

Monthly Posts: June Welcome We’ve built this dedicated area, where ourexperts are to give an advised opinion on financial news andevents, focusing on payment solutions, answering and debatingfrequent issues addressed by collaborators, customers or brand newvisitors.We will provide a range of topics related to financial paymentmarket trends, SEPA project and related businessopportunities.We are looking forward […]

Allevo blog

Monthly Posts: April Partnering Up to Encourage Student Open Source Programs – Summer of Code 2012   April  Yesterday, April 26, ROSEdu announced the launch of this year student project: Summer of Code 2012 ROSEdu’s mission is to initiate, support and develop education based on the values of Open Source. And Allevo supports that. We […]

Allevo blog

Monthly Posts: March Sibos Osaka, here we come!   March  Remember what I told you in my previous post about being present? Well, it was not just for the sake of writing something. Therefore, I am glad to let you know that our presence at Sibos this year in Osaka is now official Not only […]

Allevo blog

by Ioana Guiman BOOST is the title of the session Allevo organizes at Sibos 2014 in Boston. We invite the Sibos community to join us in Conference Room 1 on Tuesday September 30th 4pm to hear how our exclusive panel thinks banks can boost themselves up. BOOST stands for banking on open source technologies in […]