
2014 – Allevo

Banking 365 – The future and security of electronic payments Allevo was invited as one of the partners of the Banking 365 – The future and security of electronic payments event, organized on October 16th, by Oxygen Events with the support of the Romanian Banking Association. The conference debated on: current regulations concerning electronic payments, […]

2010 – Allevo

SEPA Conference 4 The 4th SEPA Conference was sponsored by Business Information Systems. Agenda: 09:30 – 10:00 Introductive session – Radu Negrea (ARB), Razvan Vartolomei ( BNR ), Bogdan Dragoi ( MoPF ), Mirela Palade (TransFonD) 10:00 – 11:30 “SEPA at European & Romanian level” – Rodica Tuchila ( ARB ) “Acomplishments and perspectives on SEPA […]

qPayIntegrator ported on Microsoft® BizTalk® Accelerator for SWIFT

Business Information Systems, in partnershipwith Microsoft has successfully completed the migration of qPayIntegrator paymenthub on Microsoft® BizTalk® Accelerator forSWIFT. BIS and Microsoft will jointly propose the banksand corporations attending Sibos 2008 to prepare their businesscompliance on SEPA and on Target2, by using the SWIFTReady Application SEPA 2008 solution qPayIntegrator. Join us at our stand C218 […]

Participarea BIS la SIBOS 2009 Hong-Kong”

<Back Participarea BIS la SIBOS 2009 Hong-Kong”, cofinantata din Fondul European de Dezvoltare Regionalaprin Programul Operational Sectorial “Cresterea Competitivitatii Economice” S.C. Business Information Systems (BIS) S.R.L. si OI/ AM Ministerul Întreprinderilor Mici si Mijlocii, Comertului si Mediului de afaceri, au semnat în20.05.2009 contractul de finantare pentru un proiect care va aveaca rezultat asigurarea unei componente […]

Incheiere proiect

>Back Finalizarea proiectului “Extinderea afacerii BIS pepiata internationala a solutiilor IT de efectuare a tranzactiilorfinanciare, prin participarea cu stand propriu la conferintamondiala SIBOS 09 Hong-Kong” S.C. Business Information Systems (BIS) S.R.L. a finalizatîn data de 20.10.2009 activitatile prevazute în contractului definantare nr. 25i/ 20.05.2009 cu Ministerul Întreprinderilor Micisi Mijlocii, Comertului si Mediului de afaceri. Proiectula […]

2012 – Allevo

The launch of SEPA System for RON payments, Bucharest, November 21, 2012 Yesterday, November 21st, 2012,Finmedia organized, with the support of the National Bank ofRomania and in partnership with the Romanian Banking Association(ARB), TransFonD and Allevo, the official launch of SEPA system forRON payments. All the majorplayers were present in the opening panel: the National […]

2012 – Allevo

Allevo User Group – 21st Edition, Bucharest, December 12, 2012 On 12.12.12 🙂 we gathered for the Allevo’s 21st User Group. Therefore, I would like to thank all our customers who have been by our side all this time, whose collaboration and suggestions helped us improve our products and services over the years. We talked […]

1999 – Allevo

First steps were caught between two crisis:the famous Y2K and the deep domestic financial chaos.Thus, Business Information Systems started off byimplementing Y2K conformity projects and paymentsystems based on IBM MERVA solution Concluding business alliances withprestigious providers: IBM, SWIFT, Microsoft, Oracle, Lotus,Tivoli, Infosys, Vision Solutions, Brokat Becoming IBM Solution Providerand crosoft Certified SolutionProvider  

2000 – Allevo

Starting the ISO 9001:2000 certificationprocess Providing services for the migration fromMerva to SWIFTAlliance Access / SWIFTAlliance Entry, aproject highly required by banks due to Merva’ supportwithdrawal DesigningFMA, a solution providing thereal-time resilience of SWIFTAllianceservers Designing InfoFlow, asolution for process improvement, currently renamedEsfera Becoming Tivoli Business Partner  

2005 – Allevo

Launching ReconS, areal-time Nostro/Vostro accounts reconciliation solution,providing also a tool for exception management &investigation Improving customers support Becoming Oracle and MQ Software partners Exhibiting at SOFE (SWIFT Operations Forum- Europe), Antwerp, Belgium Exhibiting at SWIFT Regional Conference in Central andEastern Europe, Zagreb, Croatia