
Are you ready for SWIFT gpi?

This post is about one of SWIFT’s most successful initiatives: SWIFT gpi. The main benefits include transparency, speed and trace-ability of payments and this tends to become the new standard for cross-border payments over the SWIFT network. All about SWIFT gpi is available here. Universal payment confirmations by 2020 In this post we will focus […]

Allevo and Erste on The Regtech Show 2.01 – Open Banking, Eastern Outflanking?

We are honored to be featured in the episode of The Regtech Show, ran by Fintech Finance, alongside the amazing Birte Quitt, Erste Group’s Head of Group Retail Strategy. She tells the story of George and how incredibly successful is has been since its launch in Romania. Erste Romania is one of the largest banks […]

Financial IT, June 2019

Allevo is one of the players active in the financial services space for the past 20 years. What’s different from most competitors is that Allevo is a privately owned company coming from an emergent market, Romania. Although it may not seem much, having to compete with companies that have access to far richer resources is not […]

News about the TOSS Project

One of the main results of the TOSS project is a software solution for SMEs and corporate treasuries. It consists of an application for processing financial transactions which unifies and automates operations across the financial supply chain. This application creates business specific infrastructures and reduces the cost and duration of processing and settlement of own financial […]

Piata Financiara – Allevo 2019

Allevo covers hot topics in the financial industry in a series of articles published in Piata Financiara throughout 2019. Brief history:  Allevo articles published in 2012, 2013 and 2014 Allevo articles published in 2015 Allevo articles published in 2016 Allevo articles published in 2017 Allevo articles published in 2018.   And here is the article collection for 2018 […]

The TOSS Project at the Digital Banking & Cyber Security conference

Sorina Bera, CEO Allevo joined a panel at the Digital Banking & Cyber Security conference, organized by Oxygen Events. With a revamped format, the conference brought together almost 100 decision makers from banks and companies. Our CEO, Sorina Bera, took part in the second focus session: “User experience transformation with digital innovation”. The panel was […]

Update on the progress of FinOps Suite (the TOSS project)

Two such components are the website and the website. These have been completely redesigned, not only from a look and feel perspective, but also in terms of content, logic, navigation and features for users.

The Diplomat – Financial Industry struggles with rising political uncertinity

“In 2019, Allevo’s full intention is deliver the PSD2 compliance projects aligned in our pipeline”, says Ioana Guiman, Managing Partner Allevo. “The key element is the delivery of financial services as a service to corporations and SMEs by banks.” Here is the full article on this topic as published in The Diplomat.

FinOps Suite We received financial support for a 2-year journey for developing an innovative open source solution for corporate treasuries, as part of the Competitiveness Operational Programme 2014-2020. The TOSS – Treasure Open Source Software project is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund under the Competitiveness Operational Programme 2014-2020, Priority Axis 2 “Information and Communications Technology (ICT) for a competitive […]