Romanian IT&C Directory, April, 2019

Romanian IT&C Directory 2019_Articol Allevo

One of the main results of the TOSS project is a software solution for SMEs and corporate treasuries. It consists of an application for processing financial transactions which unifies and automates operations across the financial supply chain.

This application creates business specific infrastructures and reduces the cost and duration of processing and settlement of own financial operations.

As per PSD2, still to be transposed in local legislation, banks are forced to expose as of September 2019 information about the accounts of their customers and to allow payment initiation through APIs.

In this context, Allevo requested the extension of the TOSS project with additional functionalities, to align the initially designed solution to developments in the financial regulation space.  Due to the implementation of PSD2, API REST (JSON format) interfaces opened by banks need to be implemented in FinTPc to offer beneficiaries all benefits created by this new model of interaction between banks and their customers.

By adding these new functionalities, FinTPc is more complete and more relevant. It also makes FinTPc aligned to market regulation.


Stay tuned for more!

Pentru informații detaliate despre celelalte programe cofinanțate de Uniunea Europeană, vă invităm să vizitați Conținutul acestui material nu reprezintă în mod obligatoriu poziția oficială a Uniunii Europene sau a Guvernului României. Proiect finanțat în cadrul POC, Axa prioritară 2, Acțiunea 2.1, Prioritate de investiții 2b. Cod MySMIS: 115724, Nr. Contract Finanțare: 101/16.08.2017.

Allevo covers hot topics in the financial industry in a series of articles published in Piata Financiara throughout 2019.

Brief history: 

  • Allevo articles published in 2012, 2013 and 2014
  • Allevo articles published in 2015
  • Allevo articles published in 2016
  • Allevo articles published in 2017
  • Allevo articles published in 2018.


And here is the article collection for 2018 (Romanian language):

Article Piata Financiara February 2019

Article Piata Financiara March 2019

Article Piata Financiara April 2019


Sorina Bera, CEO Allevo joined a panel at the Digital Banking & Cyber Security conference, organized by Oxygen Events.

With a revamped format, the conference brought together almost 100 decision makers from banks and companies. Our CEO, Sorina Bera, took part in the second focus session: “User experience transformation with digital innovation”. The panel was moderated by Rodica Tuchilă, executive director of the Romanian Banking Association (ARB) and also featured representatives from BCR (Erste), Idea Bank and Patria Bank.

Allevo presented the innovative solution for processing financial transactions for SMEs, FinOps Suite, as the main result of the TOSS project.

The TOSS project is co-financed by the Fondul European de Dezvoltare Regională via the Programul Operaţional Competitivitate 2014-2020 programme, Axa prioritară 2 „Tehnologia Informației și Comunicațiilor (TIC) pentru o economie digitală competitivă” (Information Technology and Communications for a competitive digital economy). FinOps Suite is the commercial name of the software application developed as part of the TOSS project.

The software solution developed as part of the project targets SMEs and corporate treasuries. The project enables the use of IT and communication, reducing cost and processing time for the processing of financial operations of companies. Possible extensions include the relationship of the corporate with its business or individual customers and the provision of added value financial services.

“Under PSD2, as banks assume the role of Third Party Provider, user experience is drastically changed. The bank, at the request of its customer, is able to collect relevant information about the accounts open at other partner banks. These will be analysed and offered to the customer in a unique application, along with added value information obtained as a result of the aggregation and interpretation of data collected”, says Sorina Bera, CEO Allevo.

Allevo thus generated awareness for the TOSS project and for the software solution for SMEs and corporate treasuries developed as part of this project.

Other subjects debated as part of the conference include: digital Romania, the potential of blockchain technology, human digital banking, cybersecurity, human intelligence vs. cyber intelligence.


Pentru informații detaliate despre celelalte programe cofinanțate de Uniunea Europeană, vă invităm să vizitați Conținutul acestui material nu reprezintă în mod obligatoriu poziția oficială a Uniunii Europene sau a Guvernului României. Proiect finanțat în cadrul POC, Axa prioritară 2, Acțiunea 2.1, Prioritate de investiții 2b. Cod MySMIS: 115724, Nr. Contract Finanțare: 101/16.08.2017.

Sorina Bera, CEO Allevo, participated at Digital Banking& Cyber Security organised in Bucharest, at Crowne Plaza hotel, on April 2th, by Oxygen Events.

Having a new format, the conference reunited more than 100 people from banks and companies. Allevo’s Managing Director, Sorina Bera, spoke in the second panel, entitled “Transforming Customer Experience through Digital Innovation”, focusing on PSD2 and TOSS project.

The TOSS – Treasure Open Source Software project is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund under the Competitiveness Operational Programme 2014-2020, Priority Axis 2 “Information and Communications Technology (ICT) for a competitive digital economy”.



Our CEO, Sorina Bera spoke at the Digital Banking & Cyber Security event organized by Oxygen Events about our offering for SMEs and the TOSS project.