MarketWatch, March 2011

“Top ladies in IT”


We’re proud that five of our most appreciated lady-colleagues have been included in the new magazine Market Watch published this month: “Top women in IT”; the ‘subjects’ gave the launching event more glamour and refined atmosphere.

Find our ‘Top 5’ on the fourth row of the magazine’s cover and in the inside article here attached.



We’re pleased to have received a series of positive reactions to our rebranding announcement. Congratulations!

…very nice…

Makes perfect sense…
Many accomplishments under the new logo!
Elegantly attractive new company image…
Wishes of success under the new identity!

I take this opportunity to thank everyone. We also hope and strongly believe this will be a success, because of all the hard work and energy everyone has put into it.

Apart from these best wishes, we also received, as expected, a lot of questions.

Who bought you?
Who’s Allevo ? Are you merging with them?
Any legal issues?
Is the team going to remain the same?

The first question is the most common issue troubling everyone it seems. We’re still us, nobody bought us.

Allevo is going to be the same company everyone’s acquainted to, Business Information Systems, but under a different hood and put under a new light.

Back in 1998, when initially founded, Business Information Systems was a privately owned company, with a modest capital, which was trying to make a break in providing applications for the financial market. Thus, marketing was budgeted with 0 (zero) value and everything was built in-house and only when there was time for such ‘irrelevant’ matters. Everything, starting with the logo and ending with the entire website. Time has come to make a change for the better in this direction.

We welcome all these questions, they give us the opportunity to better explain what has driven us to renew our commercial identity. One colleague genuinely asked: are there people who have piled the needed cash to take us over, since we are Lions in the payment playing-field?

Apart from the obvious evolution trend, we need to assert the mantra of the company’s young generation, to better illustrate its strength and aspiration. This process might not be quantifiable as an immediately accountable profit, but it certainly represents the distinctive value and the business conduct our team is aligned to.

The single secret behind our action is that it came from the deep desire of the company to lay grounds for the next successful business decades.

Allevo. Thinking evolution.

By: Corina Cornea


42, 41, 40,…days left till the Public Announcement,… and still so much to do for a successful launching.

They say that where there’s a will, there’s a way. The timing is perfect, Spring’s awakened energies allow us to have a ‘will’, its longer days give us time to have a ‘way’.

Business Information Systems embraces a new commercial identity, which, as previously stated, is more fitted to express the company’s aspirations and to differentiate it in the business niche of its focus.

The registered company name remains unchanged (Business Information Systems). In the rebranding process the new alias and logo were already legally registered as Business Information Systems’ trademark. The public announcement (PA) date is due on the 1st of May 2011.

Meanwhile we have steps to go through, more or less simultaneously, commercial department colleagues are putting their creative energies together to accomplish all in due time.

Until the launching date we need to fulfill important commercial & image actions, here’s the TOP 3 list of ‘to do’s:
contact all our business partners letting them know of the upcoming change and make sure the legal base of our cooperation is updated accordingly;
update the web available information on Business Information Systems to reflect the transition to the new identity;
update marketing/promotional materials with our new “look”, as well as all forms (letters, cards, templates, white-papers).

And we’ll ensure the continuity of your resources of information about us. The new web site will feature a new design and a fresh content, to mirror the sage, creative and daring new mantra. You’ll only have to select ‘Add to Favorites’…

By: Corina Cornea

Enthusiastic and heroic, like the crusaders were, we started the campaign and pre-announced to our world changes in our visual identity. We’re about to become Allevo.

Rings a bell to you? It’s from Latin allevo, -are, -avi, -atum, improve, lighten, ease. Or, in English, alleviate, move forward our clients’ business as a result of our team’s values, innovative, efficient, adaptable, dedicated and trustworthy.

In this first stage, the campaign means a continuously updated 12-years-old database and a consistent message with reasons to rebrand.

You surely got our message, too. Do you like our new logo & mantra?

We’ve got tens of prompt answers, all positive.

No receiver of the message will probably know the pain we experienced when deciding to leave the old logo and mantra.

I said pain, because many of us were very attached to the old ones. That’s the heroic side of the action. Breaking-up is never easy!

However, the moment has come to refresh, rebrand, update, value and perfect the prestigious expertise our company and our team have. It’s for the best to part from the past and welcome the new, the modern, the evolution. That’s the enthusiastic side of the action.

A collateral good effect is that we’ll no more have to expand the acronym, BIS, in order that someone doesn’t think of us as the Bank of International Settlements.

So, we’re on! Welcome Allevo! Thinking evolution!

I’ll keep you informed with the next steps.

By: Corina Cornea


Every year, the Awards Gala of the e-Finance magazine is organized by FinMedia, the prestige media player in the Romanian Banking and Financial Industry.

The prizes were awarded for last year’s IT&C products & solutions and the festivity took place at Marriott Grand Hotel, on March, the 2nd 2011.

The annual Prize of the e-Service category

was awarded to

Business Information Systems

for the

Workers’ Remittances extension of qPayIntegrator

which successfully passed last year SWIFT certification procedure and featured huge interest at Sibos 2010, in Amsterdam, where we had a special session in the Allevo Session section and an invited speaker – the first Romanian panelist, in the Main Conference section.

Honored and applauded by the audience, our CTO, Mr. Horia Beschea, received the trophy on behalf of the whole team.

My colleague’s proud and impressed speech included words as
“thanks to the team”, “thanks to the organizers” and ….”rebranding as allevo”.

In this order!

Well done BIS and welcome to, soon to be become visible, allevo!

Continuing to organize every 3 months a meeting with our customers – users of our applications and beneficiaries of our services – last week we have reached the 18th edition, marking the maturity age of these reunions. Coming of age is usually celebrated with a big party, gathering all friends, colleagues and partners; we did gather many of our collaborators, however, we skipped the dancing and kept it to an informative and networking level!

We were glad to receive a high number of participants, which convinced us that the members of the user community really want to stay in touch with BIS’ team and the latest news they present. From our point of view, the scope of these gatherings is to receive the feedback of our customers regarding our collaboration, to share with them various reports regarding the usage of our products, to exchange observations or enhancement proposals, as well as to present the short or long term initiatives and plans for the products in use.



Apart from the support services reports and key performance indicators regarding the use of BIS’ qPayIntegrator payment system, there were several presentations that turned into interactive discussions regarding the influence of SWIFT and EPC standards 2011 on the application, as well as the impact of TransFonD’s project – applying SEPA standards on national currency. Since BIS was an early bird in certifying with SWIFT its qPayIntegrator application for SEPA conformity (SWIFT SEPAReady 2008 and 2009), we have the expertise and experience to assist banks in complying also with this project – SEPA standards on Lei – so we presented the updates of 2011 project release, as well as the milestones for 2012 as outlined so far. The discussion was even more spiced up by TransFond’s representative, who was kind enough to share first hand information about the current status of the project and latest modifications.

The 18th edition of BIS user group also hosted the presentations of BIS’ German Partners – EFIS AG – a leading independent software provider for national, European and global payments processing and financial management solutions for the finance industry, corporates and SMEs. Continuing on the SEPA dialogue, EFIS team introduced a new concept – Single Euro Business Area – presenting the notion and aspects that cover the entire area of business from a financial perspective throughout Europe.

After performing a qPayIntegrator PAYaaS demo – BIS’ managed hosted service – we ended the meeting by asking the participants to fill in a survey regarding their criteria of evaluating a payment solution. BIS is constantly preoccupied with the satisfaction of its customers and guides its actions according to their input; this time, the scope of the survey was to assess their interest in the new features of qPayIntegrator, in the new licensing models (qPI-SaaS) or in transforming qPayIntegrator in an open source product.

A big “thank you” to all our qPayIntegrator community members for their overall input in the success of this event!

BIS team