User Group 16


BIS’ conference room guested the 16th edition of the User Group event.

We gathered the member-institutions of BIS’ solutions User Group and we were honored also by the participation of representatives from the Romanian Banking Association, TransFonD and a partner solution provider acting in the European market. Our partner solution provider’s presentation, SwissRisk, is available upon request.


1. Cristina Cioroboiu ( BIS ) – SWIFT Standards, EPC & TransFond regulations

2. Dan Anghelescu ( BIS ) – Licensing risk & BIS projects

3. Grigore Cioroboiu ( BIS ) – PAYaaS

4. Corina Mihalache ( BIS ) – qPayIntegrator AML filtering feature

5. Liliana Dafinca ( SwissRisk Financial Systems ) – FinTRACE

6. Conclusions

BIS Solutions Users Group 16th edition