The Future in Banking Technology Forum, Bucharest, April 5, 2012

The trends and innovations for payment systems were revealed today, during the second edition of The Future in Banking Technology Forum, as distinguished panelists have gathered to talk about future and innovative payments, challenges and opportunities in implementing SEPA, as well as the implications it has on the banking system customers, about the rapid evolution predicted in mobile and electronic payments, about the new solutions that payment infrastructure providers put on the table, about anti-fraud management, about Remittances and other equally interesting subjects on the matter.

Speaking of panelists, our own Corina was among them to make the audience aware on Allevo’s projects regarding Remittances. The panel also benefited from the presence of Catherine Banneux, Senior Market Manager, Banking Market, SWIFT who presented the initiative they have in person-to-person payments with SWIFTRemit. Her presentation went well together with Corina talking about Allevo’s end-to-end remittance processing solution, a solution that even if can’t be considered as the greatest innovation, is definitely a solution for the future, with various possibilities to build on.

Please read more on this event on our blog.