Following the last three years of Sibos international exposure,Allevo has participated as Sibos exhibitor in Toronto, 19 – 23September, stand C111, surrounded by prestige banking institutionsand global providers.

The show running during this year event was tied up to thegeneral trends of the financial industry, while specificallyfocusing on the North American continent points of interest.
2011’s main theme was putting under scrutiny Allevo’s vision onthe commoditization of the financial transactions processing and onthe means of tuning Allevo solution portfolio to it.
We planned and brought to the table and openly discussedaspects related to initiating a community of interest around thistheme. More to the point, to add value to this community, we intendto publish the qPayIntegrator processing engine as open sourceapplication.
The team on site was, as always, more than happy to share ideas(along with the most recently released products) both inside thebooth and during the three sessions organized by Allevo on Tuesdayand Wednesday.
The reward forputting up with Allevo’s team members was, among others, a fiveo’clock bottle of Romanian wine, apparently a rarity and very hardto obtain artifact in Canada. We hope that Allevo’s presence andcontributions proved to be inspiring and in line with the plans andexpectations of the eclectic attendees of the conference.