
Missing Sibos already?

A long way to the Land of the Rising Sun, and an even longer way back home. But we are home, catching our breath after a very busy week at Sibos Osaka. Well, not really catching our breath, as we are all quite caught up with the follow-up to the numerous meetings and presentations we […]

Allevo Session

Speakers: Mr. Nicolae Brova, Chief Information Officer Societe Generale Private Banking (Japan) Ltd., Japan Mr. Radu Gratian Ghetea, President CEC Bank, Romania Ms. Ioana Guiman, Product Manager Allevo, Romania Mr. Mircea Mihaescu, Director Technology Research Center, Sberbank, Russia Mr. Artur Pereira, CEO Descontel, Portugal Mrs. Rodica Tuchila, Director Romanian Banking Association, Romania   People have […]

Allevo at Sibos Osaka 2012

Allevo’s presence at Sibos this year will be under the signs of: What’s NEW this year? FinTP and FINkers United, that’s what’s new! Our project FinTP gravitates around the bold idea of developing an open source application for financial transactions processing and a creative community around it. Allevo is strongly committed to publish, under free-open […]

Innotribed for Good

Monday, June 18, 2012   I took the liberty to write this post on a more personal note. Because I just felt the need to share my feelings and my enthusiasm regarding the previous week that I have spent in Belfast with the Innotribe team. Intensive work and few sleeping hours, but, my god, does […]

Two down, two to go

  Halfway through Sibos and it feels that only yesterday we were registering everyone and picking up the stand location and planning demos and events. C111 stand fuss Day wrap-up is as follows: a few of us (such as myself) were punished to guard the stand, take care of all scheduled meetings and try keep […]

The long hot summer ….towards Sibos 2011

  It’s been a long, hot summer in Bucharest for us this year and, slowly but inevitably, we are approaching the big Sibos event. We’re leaving behind months of meetings, scheduling, team training, presentations & demos preparing, giveaways etc. – the whole ‘enchilada’ of organizing our presence at Toronto. Even if we exhibit at Sibos […]

EPC sets out Sepa mobile payments guidelines

Following our posts about SEPA (most recent in April 2011 ECB calls for Sepa deadline extension), we invite you to read more on this theme, freshly announced on Finextra: Banking representative body the European Payments Council (EPC) has released a set of guidelines for mobile contactless transactions in the Single Euro Payments Area (Sepa). The […]

BIS’ 18th User Group Edition

Continuing to organize every 3 months a meeting with our customers – users of our applications and beneficiaries of our services – last week we have reached the 18th edition, marking the maturity age of these reunions. Coming of age is usually celebrated with a big party, gathering all friends, colleagues and partners; we did […]

On-site Events

Allevo initiated session Business Information Systems is proud to be the host of the “Streamlining the Financial Supply Chain Ecosystem” brought to you by the community session, taking place Wednesday 27 October, 09:00 – 10:30, Community 4. Main conference session contribution Mr Sorin Guiman, Business Information Systems’ CEO, has accepted the invitation of joining the […]