
Talking to my colleagues about FinTP

  I’ve been talking a lot with you about our project FinTP and the new-born community FINkers United. What I realized is that I haven’t been talking enough with my colleagues about it, to see what they really think. And not in the meetings we have, but in a more relaxed discussion. Andreea’s answer was […]

Allevo at Sibos Osaka 2012

Allevo’s presence at Sibos this year will be under the signs of: What’s NEW this year? FinTP and FINkers United, that’s what’s new! Our project FinTP gravitates around the bold idea of developing an open source application for financial transactions processing and a creative community around it. Allevo is strongly committed to publish, under free-open […]

FinMedia Capitalul Romanesc, July-August 2012

Sorin Guiman, Allevo CEO talks in FinMedia’s publication Capitalul Romanesc (n.t. Romanian Capital), about the challenges of Romanian companies’ regional expansion. You can read the full article here (please note that being a Romanian publication, the interview is in Romanian language): Capitalul Romanesc – Interview with Sorin Guima…  

SWIFT Business Forum 2012 – 20 Years of SWIFT in Romania

20 years of SWIFT in Romania were celebrated yesterday, October 11 as the 3rd edition of SWIFT Business Forum was organized by ARB (Romanian Banking Association), with the support of Allevo. Granted with the presence of elite representatives of both SWIFT and the Romanian banking and financial industry, the event covered past, present and future. […]

e-Finance on FINkers United, June 2012 (RO)

e-Financed covered Allevo’s FINkers United event dated May 24, in the following article (RO): “Inovatia, un concept la care visam cu totii, dar de care ne si temem intr-o oarecare masura. Cu toate acestea, Allevo a a ajuns la concluzia ca nu e suficient doar sa vorbesti despre inovatie in sistemul financiar-bancar, de parca ar […]

Innotribed for Good

Monday, June 18, 2012   I took the liberty to write this post on a more personal note. Because I just felt the need to share my feelings and my enthusiasm regarding the previous week that I have spent in Belfast with the Innotribe team. Intensive work and few sleeping hours, but, my god, does […]

SWIFT CEE Regional Conference, Vienna, June 4-6, 2012

As accustomed for the past few years, Allevo’s delegation will be present at SWIFT’s CEE Regional Conference, held in Vienna. Moreover, our CEO, Sorin Guiman is part of the innovation plenary panel, to share his opinion on whether successful innovation is crucial for financial market participants as they strive to capitalize on new opportunities in […]

OnWindows, May 2012

OnWindows talks about Allevo’s FINkers United event: Allevo realizes value of open source by Karen McCandless “Romanian software vendor and SWIFT partner Allevo held its first user event and ‘unconference’ in Bucharest,Romania on 24 May 2012 – called FINkers United. Users and customers from the financial industry, legal, technical and business experts, thought leaders got together […]

Market Watch, May 2012

Market Watch FINkers United event organized by Allevo on May 24, 2012 “Allevo a organizat recent, in parteneriat cu Institutul Bancar Roman (IBR), Asociatia Romana a Bancilor (ARB) si SWIFT, evenimentul FINkers United (denumire provenita din prescurtarea sintagmei “Financial thinkers united”), dedicat prezentarii noului proiect open source demarat de companie. Evenimentul, care i-a avut printre […]