
February 2014

I will explore the changes a company has to undertake when embarking on the transition from a traditional business model to a business model that supports open source. Iframe not supported

FinTP viewed from the inside

Wednesday, January 29, 2014 Please take 3 minutes to watch this short video where 25 Allevo-ers share some quick thoughts on the FinTP ‪opensource‬ project.     By Ioana Moldovan, 29 January 2014.

e-Finance Awards Gala 11th edition – January 28, 2014

For the 6th year in a row, Allevo has been among the winners at the e-Finance Awards Gala. For the 11th edition, held yesterday, January 28, we have been awarded the e-initiative prize for our decision to publish the code of our financial transactions platform, FinTP, under GPL v3 license and for reshaping our business […]

Allevo launches FinTP

Friday, January 24th, Allevo made the official announcement for publishing the code of the first open source financial transactions processing platform, FinTP. The event took place at Athenée Palace Hilton Bucharest and benefited from the participation of numerous professionals from the financial, banking and IT industries. This event was the perfect occasion for FINkers United, […]

January 24- the day we publish the FinTP code

  January 24 – the big day, the D day for us at Allevo. It is the day we publish the FinTP source code, the first open source application for processing financial transactions, the day we launch the community to support this project, FINkers United. We’ll make the official announcement during the celebration event we […]

A bad plan is better than no plan

Practice makes you less bad My grandfather taught me how to play chess when I was around 7 years old. He started with the basics : allowed moves, win conditions and some strategy to improve board presence and pretty much stopped there. He was not an expert chess player, but he had great patience and […]

The future is open (source)

The period from about 1760 to sometime between 1820 and 1840 marks a turning point in history. The entire world as it was known changed so drastically that today it is seen as the biggest leap forward taken by humanity. Day to day life, communication between individuals and society evolved in a few decades more […]

How to make the brave move from commercial to open source

Thursday, January 09, 2014 by Mihai Guiman I work for a private ISV and consultancy company focused on delivering software products for financial institutions. Three years ago my company decided to share our achievements and knowledge by publishing our application, FinTP, for processing financial transactions under an open source license. Here, I will explore the changes a […]

Letter to Santa

We thought of you when we wrote this letter to Santa. Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year!   By: Ioana Guiman