
Allevo User Group – 26th Edition, May 26, 2015

On May 26, we organized the 26th edition of Allevo’s User Group Meeting. The discussions were focused around four major topics: Maintenance 2015 – change requests, standards, prerequisites and patches Initiatives and projects – SDD RUM, SEPA Euro, SEPA Corporate-to-Bank, Target2, Standards, Instant payments Events 2015 – Allevo at EBAday in Amsterdam this year, Allevo’s […]

Allevo at EBAday 2015

Tuesday, May 26, 2015 On May 12-13th this year, senior executives, practitioners and key stakeholders from across the payments industry gathered in Amsterdam for the 10th edition of EBAday, the annual congress organised by the Euro Banking Association and Finextra Research. It also market the 30th anniversary of the Association’s founding. Like every year, the […]

May 2015

By far the hottest subject on the agenda was instant payments / real time payments / immediate payments. Customers are each day more demanding when choosing their service providers; the choice criterions include speed of response, speed of action (in real-time, if possible), accessibility and ease of use. When it comes to banks, their expectations […]

EBAday Amsterdam 2015

For the 7th year in a row, we were among the exhibitors. As real-time payments and especially payments innovation were among the focuses of this year’s event, we showcased a new approach for the future of processing financial transactions: banking on open source technologies (BOOST). With all the changes in financial industry, we believe open […]

A newsletter for everyone?!

Tuesday, March 24, 2015 In a good-hearted intent to improve our newsletter and really make it a useful and informative tool for our readers, we have launched a survey. We asked them about their preferences and based on the fact that we were addressing quite a niche market, we underestimated how different people really are; […]

March 2015

In the March issue of our newsletter we want to share with you some of the findings after completing the newsletter survey, FinTP’s experience in Germany and as usual, interesting articles that we have come across, talking about the push for free software adoption within the French government, the digital bank of the 21st century, IBM looking to adopt Bitcoin technology, Google code […]

Starts with an O, but it just isn’t it

Monday, February 23, 2015 by Sorin Guiman I often get worried that I have no clue where the next generation’s world is headed. I use the resource-rich world as benchmark (it seems though that the most continuously wanted resource is money) because less gifted countries and nations are sentenced to follow the model of the […]

February 2015

Over a year ago, January 2014, the FinTP code was published in the open source space. This probably made FinTP the first open source application for processing financial transactions available on the market. It’s true, it is a very niche software product, but we believed the information about its existence should be out there, for […]

e-Finance Awards Gala 12th edition – January 29, 2015

For the 7th year in a row, Allevo has been among the winners at the e-Finance Awards Gala. At the 12th edition, held yesterday, January 29, we have received the e-innovation award prize for the BOOST project which contributes to innovation and finding new opportunities on the financial operations market. We thank e-Finance for this […]