
Is There Anything In It for Open Source Software Adopters?

I have been asked to write an article for the first Allevo newsletter of 2016. Then I got a wealth of friendly advice on how to do it – comply KISS (Keep It Simple Sorin – to just paraphrase their saying), be positive, don’t address uncomfortable themes, and lot more. Here I go and hope […]

Allevo Receives Award for Its Solution for Corporations

What a great start of the year for Allevo who continues the tradition of being among the winners at the e-Finance Awards Gala, held this year on January 26th in Bucharest. At the 13th edition of this important competition in Romania dedicated to IT&C and financial and banking industry we have received the e-payments award […]

Piata Financiara – The Specialist’s Opinion by Allevo 2015

Allevo has been covering in each issue of  Piata Financiara the section “Specialist’s Opinion”. Here are the articles published in 2015 (note: text is in Romanian). The articles published in 2012, 2013 and 2014 can be found here. Article Piata Financiara December 2015 ArArticle Piata Financiara November 2015 Article Piata Financiara October 2015 Article Piata […]

Allevo User Group – 27th Edition, Nov 24, 2015

On Nov 24, we organized the 27th edition of Allevo’s User Group Meeting. The discussions were focused around four major topics: FinTP news The FINkers United community Sibos 2015 wrap-up Participation in other FinTech events High-tech Systems & Software special guest

Interview With Corina Mihalache, Allevo CEO

Here is a short interview with Corina Mihalache, Allevo CEO, while at Sibos in Singapore. Allevo, Corina Mihalache from Ali Paterson on Vimeo.Source: Ali Paterson of Fintech Finance By Ioana Guiman,11 November 2015. Post a comment Your name: This field is required. Email address: This field is required.Please enter a valid email address. Website url: Notify […]

To Be Or Not To Be

In today’s world, technology is developing at an unprecedented rate. The latest innovative products or services adopted by the market today is tomorrow’s antique. As a result of this rapid development of technology, we often take things for granted. But not always in history, the adoption speed of the news technologies by mankind being it […]

Allevo At Sibos Wrap-up

  Mid October, at the hype of the autumn conference season, Sibos managed to draw 8200 participants who came over to Singapore to meet their peers, get up to date with the hottest topics in FinTech, listen to the opinions of notorious subject matter experts, see cutting-edge technology and last, but not least, make new […]

Allevo User Group – 23rd Edition, October 23, 2013

  Not quite a tradition yet, but, just like in May, the day after the FinTP hackathon #2, we organized the Allevo User Group. The 23rd edition on 23. And the reason behind it stays the same: we wanted to debate the ideas from this hackathon’s kick-off while they were still hot.   On this […]

The Future of Electronic Payments

During the European Cyber Security Month (ECSM), Allevo was invited, for the 2nd year in a row, as one of the partners of The future and security of electronic payments event.Organized on October 21st by Oxygen Events with the support of the Romanian Banking Association (RBA), ANSSI and CERT-RO, the event was included in the […]

Press – Allevo

1. SIBOS PUBLICATIONS     Sibos Issues – Second edition 2015  (you can find us on page 6) Sibos Issues – Monday edition (you can find us on page 6) Sibos Issues – Tuesday edition (you can find us on page 10) 2. ALLEVO PRESS RELEASES  Press Release: Allevo Open Source Solutions In Top – FinTP is […]