
SWIFT African Regional Conference Mauritius

It is extremely difficult to focus on FinTech when SWIFT organizes its largest event for the African market in Mauritius. SWIFT chose an amazing venue and attracted around 500 participants from 40 countries. But it’s only fair to start with the obvious and  state that Mauritius is beautiful and it makes  going to the conference […]

Retail Banking 2016 – May 19, 2016

One very interesting event where we were invited to speak was Retail Banking. It was more like a debate than a classic conference with long presentations. The event was organized by FinMedia and Allevo was one of the partners together with BCR, Samsung, Telekom, EY and Keba Automation. Banks, IT&, technology and telecommunication companies gathered […]

May 2016

Allevo makes a management changes as of March 1st 2016, by naming Mrs Sorina Bera as CEO, thus replacing Ms Corina Mihalache. Sorina joined the Allevo team beginning of 2003, has coordinated the services team as of 2006 and became one of the designated Administrators of the company 3.5 years ago. Iframe not supported   

FinTech On The Fly!

Last week I attended Money2020 in Copenhagen. There are quite a few known voices in the blogosphere who have already reviewed the event and concluded it was extremely well organized for its first go on the European stage. Duena Blomstrom – Money 2020 Europe – this is how we rolled “[..] it had a trendy, […]

Digital Banking – April 7, 2016

Digital is a hot topic in financial services right now and there is no doubt that business teams and IT teams need to be more closely aligned.  A good opportunity for Allevo to accept the invitation to be partner at Digital Banking event, organized on April 7th, by Oxygen Events, and take part in the […]


Change, whether related to the life of a person or evolution of a company, is perceived as a transformation that takes place that is visible and can be acknowledged by others as well. For Allevo, 2016 brought a lot of change, both good and bad and both foreseen and unforeseen. Sorin This article has a […]

A plecat in stele Sorin Guiman, prieten nepretuit al IT-ului romanesc

Sorin Guiman a trecut in nefiinta cu aceeasi discretie cu care a traversat mediul de afaceri in toti anii in care a fondat si pastorit Allevo, fosta Business Information System (BIS). La 62 de ani, si-a luat zborul spre stele in somn, fara cazne. A fost un coleg si un sef nepereche, un tata, un […]

Sorina Bera named CEO of Allevo

Allevo makes a management change as of March 1st 2016, by naming Mrs Sorina Bera as CEO, thus replacing Ms Corina Mihalache. After two years of fulfilling her CEO mandate, Corina presented her resignation from this position to Allevo’s shareholders due to personal reasons. Shortly after, she also informed of the desire focus on personal […]

February 2016

What a great start of the year for Allevo who continues the tradition of being among the winners at the e-Finance Awards Gala, held this year on January 26 in Bucharest. At the 13th edition of this important competition in Romania dedicated to IT&C and financial and banking industry we have received the e-payments award prize for initiating  TOSS (Treasure Open […]