
Financial IT – June 2018

  Banks with a FinTech on top? – Lead Story signed by Ioana Guiman, Business Development & Managing Partner Allevo, in June 2018 issue of Financial IT magazine. Highlights: PSD2 – What’s in it for you? (featuring FinTP-Connect) When fast is not good enough (Instant Payments through FinTP) A bridge between banks and SMEs (Corporate […]

Building a Bridge Between Banks and SMEs

Our recent focus on companies is based on the idea of replicating the success of FinTP for banks at corporate treasury level, by means of FinOps Suite*. We have been sharing with you bits about this EU-funded project ever since we started it in August last year, but  there are always new perks to be […]

European Business Awards 2018

May 22: Allevo – National Winner for Digital Technology at the European Business Awards in Warsaw According to the judges, the Digital Technology Award goes to the organisation that best demonstrates that it has substantially improved its operational performance in terms of workflow effectiveness, customer experience management, increased turnover and improved margins or cost control […]

FinOps Suite Building Blocks

Having FinTP as a starting point, FinOps Suite (our SMEs & corporate treasury open-source software solution) follows the same high-level architecture, but features a new user interface and reworked functionalities and workflows. As its tagline suggests (Making financial operations easy), FinOps Suite is aimed to automate a company’s processes and flows in treasury departments. It […]

The Paypers Interview with Sorina Bera – Allevo CEO

  Interview with Allevo: Aligning Instant Payments and PSD2 with banking customers’ needs Sorina Bera, CEO at Allevo says that banks are clearly moving towards best serving their customers in order to keep them. The trend is for regulation to come to the aid of people. — What are your main areas of focus in […]

Are You Ready For The New BIC?

The revised BIC standard (ISO 9362) approved in January 2014 is due for implementation by November this year and the changes it brings revolve around dropping info on connectivity and time zone. This revision took into account market evolution, ensuring the standard is neutral and agnostic from any network, while also making the BIC more […]

Instant Payments from a Corporate Treasury Perspective

It’s a given that instant payments are no longer a fad, but a requirement, driven by consumers being anchored more and more in “real-time” everything. As such, it comes as no surprise that this trend will also shape corporate treasuries, steadily becoming the new norm in the very near future. Where Allevo Stands Last year, […]

Business continuity solution

Moldindconbank implemented FMA, Allevo’s business continuity solution   28 February 2018 – Moldindconbank selected FMA, Allevo’s solution for mirroring transactions between the production and backup platforms, ensuring business continuity, data integrity and consistency. After being deemed “the most innovative bank in Moldova” for two years in a row, Moldindconbank now joins the banks in Romania […]

Fintech Finance – Moldindconbank implemented FMA, Allevo’s business continuity solution

Moldindconbank selected FMA, Allevo’s solution for mirroring transactions between the production and backup platforms, ensuring business continuity, data integrity and consistency. After being deemed „the most innovative bank in Moldova” for two years in a row, Moldindconbank now joins the banks in Romania that have opted for FMA in the past years, thus becoming Allevo’s […]

Vote For Allevo in the European Business Awards

We kicked off the year by announcing our nomination on the “Ones to Watch” list published by the European Business Awards together with RSM, and we promised to keep you up to date with the next stage of the competition. Well, here it is: we put together a short presentation video on who we are […]