
Sibos Day Three: The Trendsetter Bank

Allevo went on stage in an Open Theatre session called “The Trendsetter Bank”. A moment to share why we promote the concept of Banking On Open Source Technologies and what the trendsetter bank would look like, a perspective presented by our Business Development Manager, Ioana Guiman. The session presented ways to help banks to become a […]

Sibos Day One: Find what we have in mind for this Sibos

The most important people in the financial world gathered this days in the ‘Capital of Peace’ –Geneva, for the biggest event in the industry, Sibos. Geneva is attracting increasing numbers of startups and SMEs and it is home to around 200 multi-national corporations. It is the 9th year in a row Allevo is exhibiting at […]

Banking 365: Bank of the Future – June 16, 2016

The Banking Summit organized by Oxygen Events provided the opportunity to speak about regulations and to emphasize one of the hottest subjects: the EU Regulation No.260/2012, which applies to corporate customers. Allevo CEO, Sorina Bera, outlined that as of October 31st 2016, new standards for processing payments requests come into play: the updated ISO20022 pain.001 […]

SEPA: one step away from the finish line

Thursday, April 23, 2015 by Corina Mihalache   Long time has the subject of creating a single payment area at the European level been debated. It took eight years for the largest project for European payments standardization to be prepared and launched in February 2008 and another eight years to be implemented. The deadline for […]

Code name: UG 25

Thursday, November 20, 2014   This Tuesday, we organized the 25th edition of Allevo’s User Group. This time, the discussions were focused on feature updates like CDD and RUM for 2015, application updates, Allevo’s interests, including Sibos in Boston and last but not least on our new project BOOST (Banking On Open Source Technologies) and […]

BOOST: Banking On Open Source Technologies

Wednesday, October 22, 2014   What if open source software and principles were used more extensively in FinTech? Imagine a bank powered by an IT infrastructure made up of free open source software. How would this differentiate them from a financial institution that buys licenses from vendors who provide proprietary state of the art software […]

How did I start contributing to FinTP on GitHub: a personal experience

Wednesday, June 25, 2014   by Remus Decea   In the beginning… It all started with the challenge of finding the best sharing and versioning environment that will best accommodate our needs for building a strong and creative community around the FinTP project. It would have to allow collaboration among a large number of scattered […]

Banking Summit: Banking 365 – Bank of The Future – June 19, 2014

Oxygen Events have organized on June 19, with the support of the Romanian Banking Association and The World Bank, the banking summit Banking 365: Bank of The Future. Allevo was invited to be among the panelists and our own Ioana Guiman, Business Development talked to the participants about BOOST – Banking on Open Source Today. […]

FinTP code launch: checked

Tuesday, January 28, 2014 Friday, January 24th: we successfully checked another box on the list of steps to take towards turning FinTP project into success. And that was publishing the FinTP code. Now the source code is available on GitHub and you can also find the releases on FINkers United community webpage This called […]