
Allevo blog

Monthly Posts: July End of support for Windows XP opens the way for open source adoption by Andrei Bogza In April 2014 Microsoft ended support for Windows XP, and although the end of an operating system era is not much of a great deal it is remarkable that after 13 years since launch it still […]

Allevo blog

Monthly Posts: June How did I start contributing to FinTP on GitHub: a personal experience by Remus Decea In the beginning… It all started with the challenge of finding the best sharing and versioning environment that will best accommodate our needs for building a strong and creative community around the FinTP project. It would have […]

Allevo blog

Monthly Posts: May Open Source (Software) Pitfall by Mihai Guiman Everybody has heard about open source software. The sad part is that few understand what it is. Last week I have attended a networking event aimed to gather professionals from the IT industry and university representatives, mainly focusing on research and innovative projects. I thought […]

Allevo blog

Monthly Posts: March FINkers United for Dummies   March  First time I saw a “for Dummies” brochure, I found the expression a bit offensive. Even now, I thought twice whether to name this text “for Dummies” or “FINkers United ABCs”. But reading that first brochure I understood the value of it: having things explained, plain […]

Allevo blog

Monthly Posts: April FINkers United for Dummies continued   April  Where were we? Ah, we have clarified some general aspects like what is FINkers United, what is its purpose, how can you become a member and so on and now it is time to explain what roles you can have in this community and how […]

Allevo blog

Monthly Posts: February FinTP testimonials – episode 3   February  FinTP testimonials – episode 3: Rodica Tuchila, Director Romanian Banking Association talks about our FinTP project and its benefits for the banking community. FinTP testimonials – episode 2   February  FinTP testimonials series continues. Time for episode 2. Kosta Peric, Deputy Director, Financial Services for […]

Allevo blog

Monthly Posts: January FinTP viewed from the inside   January  Please take 3 minutes to watch this short video where 25 Allevo-ers share some quick thoughts on the FinTP ‪opensource‬ project. FinTP code launch: checked   January  Friday, January 24th: we successfully checked another box on the list of steps to take towards turning FinTP […]

Allevo blog

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Allevo blog

Monthly Posts: November Can FinTP turn 2014 into an open source milestone?   November  This is not meant as a mini history of open source important moments, but as a reminder that not all bold ideas are necessarily crazy ones. 1983 – Richard Stallman starts the GNU Project, a mass collaboration project for open and […]

Allevo blog

Monthly Posts: October FinTP Hackathon #2 Themes   October  Here are some of our themes suggestions for the FinTP Hackathon #2. But, remember, your creativity has no limits. You can just amaze us at the end of these six weeks of coding. Good luck to all participants! FinTP Hackathon #2 Kick-off   October  Curious to […]