
Allevo – The New Graphic Sheets

Wednesday, February 27, 2013 The idea came to me while trying to finda different way to illustrate our products, projects andinitiatives. Hope you like it 🙂 The firsttwo in our series of graphic sheets are depicting what FINkersUnited is all about. You know… the unified community Allevo istrying to build around the first open source […]

Binary watch lucky draw

Wednesday 16:30 ÷ 16:40 Allevo stand F67 Come to our stand and win a Detomaso binary watch! It is very easy to participate. All you have to do is visit Allevo stand F67, between Monday – Wednesday 09:00 – 16:00, say “Hello!” leave your business card and… fingers crossed! On Wednesday from 16:30 ÷ 16:40 […]

Open Theatre

Financial Infrastructures for Public Administrations Wednesday, Open Theatre One 14:00 ÷ 14:30 This session is about ways to help Public Administrations in the EU region improve their business by using FinTP building blocks to: enhance management of Structural Funds – public institutions are organized in a ‘closed user group type architecture’, using existing local infrastructures, […]

Sibos 2015

Allevo has exhibited at Sibos for the 8th year in a row. Allevo has taken the opportunity of Sibos 2015 to continue talking about banking on open source technologies, what it really means in today’s world and the values of its philosophy: free cultural successes sharing, free (business) competition, cooperation in non-differentiating operations area, and […]

Romanian presence @ Sibos 2008

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e-Finance issue No. 109

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Titlu proiect

<Back Participarea BIS la SIBOS 09Hong-Kong”, cofinantata din Fondul European de Dezvoltare Regionalaprin Programul Operational Sectorial “Cresterea CompetitivitatiiEconomice” S.C. Business Information Systems(BIS) S.R.L. si OI/ AM Ministerul Întreprinderilor Mici siMijlocii, Comertului si Mediului de afaceri, au semnat în20.05.2009 contractul de finantare pentru un proiect care va aveaca rezultat asigurarea unei componente importante din strategia deinternationalizare […]


<Back “In cadrul targului SIBOS, compania romaneasca SC BIS SRL a avutun stand propriu in care au fost promovate serviciile oferite desocietatea romaneasca bancilor asiatice care intentioneaza sa isideschida filiale in Europa de Sud-Est. Mesajul transmis de catrecompania romaneasca s-a focalizat pe prezentarea unui lantfinanciar compus din: furnizor de solutie (BIS) – institutiepublica centrala – institutie de […]

Incheiere proiect

>Back Finalizarea proiectului “Extinderea afacerii BIS pepiata internationala a solutiilor IT de efectuare a tranzactiilorfinanciare, prin participarea cu stand propriu la conferintamondiala SIBOS 09 Hong-Kong” S.C. Business Information Systems (BIS) S.R.L. a finalizatîn data de 20.10.2009 activitatile prevazute în contractului definantare nr. 25i/ 20.05.2009 cu Ministerul Întreprinderilor Micisi Mijlocii, Comertului si Mediului de afaceri. Proiectula […]

2012 – Allevo

The launch of SEPA System for RON payments, Bucharest, November 21, 2012 Yesterday, November 21st, 2012,Finmedia organized, with the support of the National Bank ofRomania and in partnership with the Romanian Banking Association(ARB), TransFonD and Allevo, the official launch of SEPA system forRON payments. All the majorplayers were present in the opening panel: the National […]