
Sibos Day 0

Last night we climbed on top of Hong Kong with the famous Peak Tram. We hadn’t anticipated we’d have to wait in line as for a ride on the Space Mountain, but it was worth all our time. A really splendid view of HK from above. As we were already starving by the time we […]

D Days

That’s Latin style: the journalist asked a question about the necessity of D day for SEPA, and our team in HK thought that the best to complement it will be to write about D day of Sibos this year. Whatever distant these topics might seem, they have something in common, in my opinion, they urgently […]

Bobsguide Tuesday 8/09/2009

Business Information Systems (BIS) is happy to invite you to Stand 3E13 at Sibos 2009, 14÷18 September, in Hong Kong. Here our SWIFT-certified experts will present banking payment solutions for corporate and individuals, built around BIS‘ payment system, qPayIntegrator – now recertified SWIFTReady Application SEPA 2009. Using BIS solutions, banks will be able to provide […]

On-site Events

Fetească neagră (IPA: [fe.’teas.kă ‘nea.gră] – free translation Black Maiden) The Black Maiden is an old pre-phylloxeric variety of Moldovan grape, cultivated mainly in several areas in the Romanian regions of Moldavia and Muntenia and also in the Republic of Moldova. These grapes produce dry, semi-dry or sweet wines, with an alcohol content of 12-12.5%, […]

What to do with the best practices?

Have you ever tried to google for “software best practices”? I’ve just did before writing this short post and I’ve got “Results 1 – 10 of about 88,800,000 for software best practices”. Incredible, isn’t it? We are bombarded with best practices, organized in methodologies, process models, bodies of knowledge, etc. Should we want to get […]


  PROGRAMOPERATIONAL SECTORIAL “CRESTEREA COMPETITIVITATIIECONOMICE” “INVESTITII PENTRU VIITORULDUMNEAVOASTRA” Titlu proiect: “Participarea BIS la SIBOS 09Hong-Kong”, cofinantata din Fondul European de Dezvoltare Regionalaprin Programul Operational Sectorial “Cresterea CompetitivitatiiEconomice”. (more…) Rezultate: “In cadrul targului SIBOS, companiaromaneasca SC BIS SRL a avut un stand propriu in care au fostpromovate serviciile oferite de societatea romaneasca bancilorasiatice care intentioneaza sa […]

Sibos 2009

Business Information Systems (BIS) proposes youto become SEPAReady working with our skilled teamand certified software solution. Business Information Systems provides low-cost,practice proven solutions for payments systems. They are based onqPayIntegrator suite ( recertified SWIFTReady ApplicationSEPA 2009 ) and on the value-added services performed byour SWIFT-certified technical and business experts. BIS‘ goal is to assist banks […]

We may be small but we are complex

“We may be small but we are complex” Who said that? Someone from a small setting in USA -we wish we knew who. It’s what we also think about our company, BIS. When we first started the SPI (Software Process Improvement) all we knew about CMMI were the acronym and that it will be difficult. […]

Feedback of the romanian market on SEPA instruments adoption

Since SEPA Project is a hot topic of the moment and BIS has been continuously preoccupied with its evolution, why don’t we first approach this subject? In June 2009, BIS initiated and hosted in its conference room a series of 3 workshops on SEPA-related matters, gathering around 30 participants from the banking sector and 15 […]