Retail Banking 2016 - May 19, 2016

One very interesting event where we were invited to speak was Retail Banking. It was more like a debate than a classic conference with long presentations. The event was organized by FinMedia and Allevo was one of the partners together with BCR, Samsung, Telekom, EY and Keba Automation.

Banks, IT&, technology and telecommunication companies gathered to talk among others about the economic situation and the influence in the banking system, strategies and trends on the retail banking, the development of the electronic payments under the pressure of the new European directives, banking products in the era of multi-channel marketing, new partnerships between banks, IT&C companies and retailers, the future of banking cards, new consumer mindset & behavioral trends.

Our CEO, Sorina Bera was invited to speak in the second panel about how can corporate customers comply with the EU Regulation No.260/2012. She mentioned that it is very important for banks to take into consideration this regulation and the October 31 deadline for implementing it.