What’s NEW this year? FinTP and FINkers United, that’s what’s new!
FinTP is a new and disruptive initiative that gravitates around the idea to develop the first open source application for financial transactions processingand to build a creative, niche community around it, which we chose to name FINkers United.
You can now join Allevo in this brave quest to create a brand new open world for financial transactions processing.
May 24, 2012 was an important day for us at Allevo, as we officially launched our project FinTP. This event, the first edition of FINkers United, gathered a powerful combination of experts from banks, corporations, software vendors, open source developers, legal & business advisors and market analysts to explore the ways in which a financial open source platform can become the best alternative with greater benefits for the entire community built around it. They have contributed with valuable questions and ideas that Allevo has thoroughly analysed and reviewed, resulting in a refinement of project approach and strategy.
Ever since the official launch, the FinTP project has gained a lot of interest. It has been appreciated by financial institutions operating or with interests in Romania, and has become attractive to some software redistribution companies.
Even if the idea sounds too bold, Allevo truly believes in this initiative and is fully committed to this project and to publish, under free-open licensing terms, its own financial transactions processing engine – which capitalizes on a seven years practice proven operation.