Digital Banking - April 7, 2016

Digital is a hot topic in financial services right now and there is no doubt that business teams and IT teams need to be more closely aligned.  A good opportunity for Allevo to accept the invitation to be partner at Digital Banking event, organized on April 7th, by Oxygen Events, and take part in the debate.

The main topics were: how digital banking is seen today and for years to come, how do banks handle identity in the digital world, how banking and financial services industry will change, security risks, vulnerability and threats of the system, customer requirements in this new context and what are the solutions for banks to be efficient and stable in this new era.

Therefore, Allevo, through our CEO, Sorina Bera, talked about solutions to streamline banking operations. She highlighted that nowadays it is very important for banks to make alliances with technology providers that are able to offer and implement solutions to optimize and streamline the banking operations, and to create new business processes that complement the traditional ones.

She also pointed that Allevo’s flagship solution FinTP is versatile and has the capacity to consolidate alternative streamflows, including both traditional and crypto-currencies, like Bitcoin, and also titles, bonds e.g.