Corporate Rebels United 24-hour Online Rebel Jam, May 30-31

Corporate Rebels United, in a joint initiative with Rebels at Work thought of having a 24-hour online Rebel Jam, that will bring together individuals from various cultural and professional areas, people who share the believe that this world should act NOW to remodel the relationships at both individual and community level, people who defend free thinking and speaking and the fair access to world’s resources – including ideas and achievements.

Just register and you will be able to witness some inspiring entertainment and provocative discussions on leading networked organizations, on reinventing sales management, on reasons to build a distributed team, on how office design can improve collaboration and innovation, on taboos in the workplace that block innovation and how to solve them by humor, on leadership for someone or leadership for everyone, on corporate spring – a journey from fear to love, on the human capacity project, on being a rebel inside the government, on how to tackle the issues everyone cares about but no-one owns, etc.

Allevo will be part of this jam, with our own presentation slot – 15:30-16:00 CET – 30 minutes during which we’ll talk about the reason to liberally give and take – about having the courage to disrupt the comfort of immobility, about shared cultural achievements, about hating the new given ring to innovation, but loving true creativity, about hating manipulation, but loving free thinking.

You can read all about tomorrow’s jam on the blog.