CEC Bank selects BIS' SEPA-compliant payment hub - Allevo

(from Sibos Issues, Thursday 18/09/2008 edition, page 11)
(from Sibos Issues, Thursday 18/09/2008 edition, page 11)

On Tuesday, Romania’s oldest bank, CEC, contracted with Business Information Systems (BIS), also based in Romania, for the provision of its SEPA-compliant payment hub, qPayIntegrator. The payment suite will be fully integrated with CEC Bank’s core payments architecture, and is the first SWIFTReady SEPA 2008 application to be certified by SWIFT.

The two Romanian parties have enjoyed a 10-years collaboration and Sorin Guiman, CEO of BIS, said that his company will “ensure that CEC Bank meets all of its compliance obligations, while taking full advantage of the new commercial avenues which SEPA opens”.