Allevo User Group 19th Edition, Bucharest, November 22, 2011


Allevo reached the 19th edition of its Solutions User Group and this meeting’s 7th Anniversary (UG1 was in November 2004). The agenda includes, besides the usual reports and news on Allevo’s products features, our events participations and plans for the near future, as follows:

1. Software services support: January-November 2011 Report

2. qPayIntegrator Software maintenance Report

3. Presentation of qPayIntegrator’s new features (for banks): qPI-T2, qPI-TREZ, qPI-SEN, qPI-STM

4. Presentation of qPayIntegrator’s new features (for corporates): qPI-TIPc

5. News&impressions from our participations at 2011 main events: SPIN

(International Payment Services and Systems) in Rome, EBAday in Madrid, Sibos in Toronto… and plans for next month at SOFE (SWIFT Operations Forum Europe) in London

6. Allevo’s outlook for the next two years

…and dialogue, guests opinions, during sessions, coffee breaks and lunch.