Allevo Session

September 16, 2008 – Business InformationSystems organised its very own Special InterestSession, “PublicInstitutions in SEPA Context”.

We have put up an exquisite panel, consisting of: Mr.Radu Gratian Ghetea (Chairman & CEO of CECBank and also Chairman of the Romanian Banking Association), Mr.Stefan Nanu (MEF General Director – StateTreasury), Ms. Sheida Hadji Ashrafi (WorldwideIndustry Manager Payments – Microsoft Corporation) and Mr.Sorin Guiman (CEO of Business InformationSystems).

SIS speaker

All thepanel members have stated their opinion regarding the role thegovernment institutions should play to provide a larger acceptanceand adoption of SEPA provisions. The pilot solution we haveinnovated together with the Romanian Ministry of Economy andFinance was also on debate – qPayIntegrator overMicrosoft® BizTalk® Accelerator for SWIFT.

Sorin Guiman, has written a post on sumarisingwhat the SIS, “PublicInstitutions in SEPA Context”, was going to be allabout.

Seven months away Geoffroy de Schrevel posted his comment on SEPAgoing live without noticeable commitment of the publicadministration’s players. Now, Sibos in Vienna is hosting theSpecial Interest Session (SIS) on “Public Institutions in SEPAContext”, scheduled to take place on Tuesday, 16 September, Lehar4room. Geoffroy will moderate a panel including the CEO of the CECBank, the Deputy Minister of the Romanian Ministry of Economy andFinance (MEF), the Head of World Industry Payments, IndustrySolutions from Microsoft Corporation, and the CEO of BusinessInformation Systems (BIS). This SIS will emphasize the MEF dailypayments and collections practice, by using its payment system -STEPS – provided by BIS. The two major anchors chosen by MEF, toensure its interoperability with the European banking and businesscommunity, are the European Central Bank provisions on TARGET2 andthe European Payment Council specifications for SEPA. MEF believesthat its payment system might become a reference model for other EUState Treasuries. MA-CUG and SCORE are laying the ground forextending a higher quality distribution channel to enhancedfinancial services for corporate customers. Might the StateTreasury take advantage of this business model?

Photos from the event are available for download in the PhotoGallery.

Featured below are the presentations of the panel members,please click to download: