Allevo at EBAday, Berlin 2013


Towards a Borderless World for Payments – this was the theme of this year’s EBAday forum, the annual conference organized by the Euro Banking Association and Finextra Research. Payments professionals from all across Europe have gathered in Berlin for two days of intense networking and debate on topics like payments innovation, liquidity management, SEPA readiness, supply chain finance, electronic and mobile payments, payments regulation, as well as collaboration and partnerships. And we were there, as usual.


Many interesting sessions, raising a lot of questions. But, as Vincent Brennan, Head of Group Payments, Bank of Ireland said, nobody would be there if they had all the answers, people are looking for information and opinions. There’s been a strong desire to learn and to collaborate on a wide range of subjects.


You can read more on our impressions from EBAday on the blog.

We already start looking forward to next year, in Helsinki, the first in the brave new SEPA world.