SWIFT Business Forum Romania 2016, 7th edition


Under the umbrella of „Challenges and opportunities for the financial and banking industry”, the Romanian Banking Association and SWIFT, with the support of Allevo organized the 7th edition of SWIFT Business Forum Romania, on October 26 2016 in Bucharest.


The agenda of the event included a perspective on the Romanian banking system, payments infrastructure developments, financial services on open technologies, the next level for payments in Europe and the SWIFT 2020 Strategy. Also, among other subjects presented by SWIFT representatives were: SWIFT for corporates, SWIFT compliance services overview, future of standards – ISO 20022 adoption or SWIFT on distributed ledger technologies.


The event was dedicated to the management and the people from the operational departments, payments and settlements departments, IT & C, treasury, capital markets and compliance from the credit institution, financial investment companies, issuers of financial instruments and clients from the financial&banking institutions.


Sorina Bera, Allevo CEO, was invited to speak about financial services on open technologies. In her speech she highlighted the importance of the collaboration between banks and FinTechs. Banks must further open up their ecosystem in order to integrate the innovative capacities of FinTechs. Banks should not invest their best resources on back-office infrastructures and should spend on software that makes profit she said. She also spoke about FinTP our one open source solution for processing payments and compliance.


More details and full presentations here: