User Group 17

Our conference room seemed too small for this Users Group meeting, at its 17th edition. Member-institutions representatives of BIS’ solutions Users Group, of TransFonD and consultants had a rich agenda. Beside the usage report for the period since the previous UG (April-August), financial market’s latest information, we had interesting demos and presentations from our team. See attached a few onsite photos.


1. Sorina Bera ( BIS ) – Software services support report

2. Corina Mihalache ( BIS ) – SWIFTReady Workers’ Remittances

3. Cristina Cioroboiu ( BIS ) – SWIFT standards 2011 upgrade

4. Dan Anghelescu ( BIS ) – Exhibiting at Sibos 2010

5. Sorin Guiman ( BIS ) – qPayIntegrator future developments

6. Grigore Cioroboiu ( BIS ) – PAYaaS demo

6. Mihai Guiman ( BIS ) – qPayIntegrator automated testing