The launch of SEPA System for RON payments

Yesterday, November 21st, 2012, Finmedia organized, with the support of the National Bank of Romania and in partnership with the Romanian Banking Association (ARB), TransFonD and Allevo, the official launch of SEPA system for RON payments.

All the major players were present in the opening panel:

the National Bank – represented by Vice Governor Mr. Bogdan Olteanu,

the Romanian Banking Association – with its President Mr. Radu Gratian Ghetea,

the Ministry of Public Finance – through Mr. Laurentiu Andrei, Deputy General Director,

TransFonD – Mr. Sabin Carantina, General Director.

And among these giants, Allevo was there, the only “non-financial” partner of the event, to speak to the audience about agility and financial inclusion, as our representative, Corina Mihalache, Business Analysis Director,  prepared for the audience a lively presentation.

You can read the entire article on our blog.