On-site Events

Allevo initiated session
Business Information Systems is proud to be the host of the “Streamlining the Financial Supply Chain Ecosystem” brought to you by the community session, taking place Wednesday 27 October, 09:00 – 10:30, Community 4.

Main conference session contribution
Mr Sorin Guiman, Business Information Systems’ CEO, has accepted the invitation of joining the panel of a main conference session, “Workers’ remittances: Your global platform for person-to-person payments”, taking place Thursday 28 October, 11:00 – 12:30, Community 1.

Prizes and surprises


All visitors interested in finding out more about our solution portfolio will be offered a small reminder of their B202 stand stop. We are giving away the, famous by now, personalized bottle of red wine, brand new desk calendars and memory sticks featuring briefs of our products and solutions. This way, we are bringing our contribution to greening Sibos and protecting the environment. All our materials will be available, as well, on the collateral library built and hosted by SWIFT.

Can’t be in Sibos this year? We guess there are plenty of people who would like to be there, but who, for various reasons, can’t. We’ve decided to also reward our most active virtual visitor. Be sure to follow us on twitter during Sibos week (hashtags #sibos and #bisatsibos) and get our live twitter streams. We will make a live twitter feed from our sessions and most important events. And, if twitter is too much, we’re also sharing our more detailed experience on our blog, featuring fresh pictures and first impressions. We’re rewarding the most interesting replies or blog comments we receive during Sibos week, so dare to join the dialogue.

Private dinner party
Business Information Systems has organized an exclusive evening on Wednesday 27 October. As with all other occasions, we have brought one of the finest Romanian wines, Black Maiden, for everyone to taste and enjoy while networking with prominent bankers and business community representatives.

Fetească neagră (IPA: [fe.’teas.kă ‘nea.gră] – free translation Black Maiden) is an old pre-phylloxeric variety of Moldovan grape, cultivated mainly in several areas in the Romanian regions of Moldavia and Muntenia and also in the Republic of Moldova. These grapes produce dry, semi-dry or sweet wines, with an alcohol content of 12-12.5%, a deep red color with ruby shades, and a black currant flavor, which becomes richer and smoother with aging.