On-site Events

  • Fetească neagră (IPA: [fe.’teas.kă ‘nea.gră] – free translation Black Maiden)

The Black Maiden is an old pre-phylloxeric variety of Moldovan grape, cultivated mainly in several areas in the Romanian regions of Moldavia and Muntenia and also in the Republic of Moldova. These grapes produce dry, semi-dry or sweet wines, with an alcohol content of 12-12.5%, a deep red colour with ruby shades, and a black currant flavour, which becomes richer and smoother with aging.
This special type of wine is the main gift we are bringing over to Hong Kong for our visitors, hoping they would discover what our source of inspiration has been all this time.

  • Competitions and prizes

We’re organizing a daily draw, giving away to one lucky lady a traditional Romanian handmade shirt and bag and to one lucky gentleman traditional Romanian handmade shirt and bag. Anyone who shares their views with BIS’ stand representatives automatically enters the daily draw.


  • Aside from the wine…

For those brave enough to resist discussing with our stand representatives, we have also prepared a CD featuring our company & country’s presentation, a special traditional ceramic hand-painted plate and an anti-stress dice ( for we well know what everybody goes through these days… ).