SWIFT Session

Mr Sorin Guiman, Business Information Systems’ CEO, has accepted the invitation of joining the panel of a brought to you by SWIFT session, “Workers’ remittances: Your global platform for person-to-person payments”, taking place Thursday 28 October, 11:00 – 12:30,Community 1.

Main conference session

SWIFT’s Workers’ Remittances service provides banks with the business and technical platform to support cross-border person-to-person payments. The service allows banks to scale up their bilateral network quickly and easily and offer best-in-class levels of service to consumers. It allows any retail product or channel to be enabled for person-to-person payments, while remaining commercially and brand neutral.

In this session, participants in the service will share their experiences in deploying the platform, and examine its potential for both traditional and emerging person-to-person products, such as mobile remittances.


Michael Whyte (Moderator), Senior Market Manager, Banking Market, SWIFT
Duarte Pitta Ferraz, Managing Director, International Division, Millennium BCP
Ramiro Munoz, Director of Product Management, Citi
Sorin Guiman, CEO Business Information Systems