Partnership with DocProcess

Recent buzz from our side is linked to the partnership with DocProcess.

To summarize, the teams of DocProcess and Allevo brainstormed together over the past 6 months on ways to deliver a holistic solution to corporate customers. The two teams architected a solution that offers integrated automation services to banks and companies.

So far, not much new. Except for the fact that the solution benefits of the expertise of the two teams in financial services and business process automation. The result being an end to end solution that offers complete automation services for back-office operations, integration between ERPs and core banking systems, document processing for the Purchase 2 Pay and Order 2 Cash workflows, invoice management, and accounting reconciliation, as well as reconciliation between payments and invoices.

The architecture enables a number of scenarios. One allows big retailers to easily plug into bank infrastructures, benefiting of a consolidated view of their financial position and of access to aggregated financial data. They can as such offer relevant information to partners and suppliers – for example updated status of invoices.

This extends the capability of current systems to support business progress. For instance, with access to approved invoices and bank data, it is very easy to automate the factoring process.

The cloud availability of the service makes such a solution accessible to a wider palette of businesses, including the ones who are not looking to invest into building on premise hardware environments.

There are many scenarios and features to cover. Drop us a note if you’d like to dig further into this space.

Allevo made it to the top 3 finalists for the “Company of the year” category at Gala ANIS 2019!

(EN) Allevo selected BCR-InnovX Accelerator Program for Scale-ups

(EN) Allevo named National Winner, for Innovation, in Romania, at the European Business Awards

(RO) Allevo anunta prelungirea proiectului TOSS si adaugarea unei noi componente FinTP-API

(EN) Allevo and WSO2 Partner to Provide Open Banking solutions in Romania

(EN) Allevo named as one of Europe’s best One to Watch

(RO) Proiectul TOSS al Allevo prezentat la conferinta Digital Banking & Cyber Security

(EN) Allevo and DocProcess – A Tech Alliance for the Future of Global FinTech






A collection of articles in .mobi format for your Kindle.


We’re starting the year great with a special feature in THE fintech magazine to read: Fintech Finance. Check out our story on pages 30-31 on hands-on open banking. By Fintech Finance with Ioana Guiman.

“PSD2 is a golden opportunity for banks to make themselves indispensable to SMEs and Allevo helps them do just that.”


In Romanian:

Pentru informatii detaliate despre celelalte programe cofinantate de Uniunea Europeana, va invitam sa vizitati Continutul acestui material nu reprezinta in mod obligatoriu pozitia oficiala a Uniunii Europene sau a Guvernului Romaniei. Proiect finantat in cadrul POC, Axa prioritara 2, Acțiunea 2.1, Prioritate de investitii 2b. Cod MySMIS: 115724, Nr. Contract Finantare: 101/16.08.2017.

A collection of articles published by Allevo between 2006 and 2014 – mostly in Romanian.

Allevo has always been present in the national and international media, publishing articles relevant to the banking and financial industry, and this is our first collection released as PDF.