Fintech Finance interview at Sibos

Fintech Finance interviews Ioana Guiman at Sibos and we briefly cover a couple of hot topics on Allevo’s very near future agenda:

FinTP-Connect provides banks with compliance to requirements of PSD2 – the two mandatory scenarios for accommodating AISPs and PISPs

– expand the open banking infrastructure with features targeted to people, SMEs and corporates, where banks themselves act as TPPs

– in countries such as Romania, where the rate of financial inclusion is very low, SMEs are left out of the financial ecosystem, in a similar way to the unbanked: access to finance is there, but it is very rudimentary

– we invite banks to act as FinTechs under PSD2, aggregate financial data of SMEs and present them with relevant offers, that currently are simply not there: balance sheet as a service, reconciliation, realtime cashflow analysis, predictive analysis, better credit scoring, factoring

– we would like banks to take over most of the very manual operations and of the overhead SMEs are forced to deal with.

In Romanian:

Pentru informatii detaliate despre celelalte programe cofinantate de Uniunea Europeana, va invitam sa vizitati Continutul acestui material nu reprezinta in mod obligatoriu pozitia oficiala a Uniunii Europene sau a Guvernului Romaniei. Proiect finantat in cadrul POC, Axa prioritara 2, Acțiunea 2.1, Prioritate de investitii 2b. Cod MySMIS: 115724, Nr. Contract Finantare: 101/16.08.2017.