Happy Holidays from Allevo

By: Ioana Moldovan

More photos on our Facebook page.


Allevo User Group reached yesterday the age of majority that states its adulthood anywhere around the world 🙂 As on 12.12.12, we gathered for the user group with number 21. Funny how the numbers aligned, isn’t it? Therefore, I would like to thank all our customers who have been by our side all this time, whose collaboration and suggestions helped us improve our products and services over the years.


Just to summarize in a few words: we talked about qPayIntegrator v3 and its implementation status within our customer base; we had a vivid discussion on current and future TransFonD SEPA projects (SCT, SDD and the implementation of settlement mechanism for RON using the SEPA scheme), engaging the TransFonD representatives who contributed by adding clarity and qualitative analysis to the business context. We have also presented the highlights of Allevo’s participation at Sibos Osaka this fall and last, but not least, we have laid down the updates and news concerning the FinTP project. We were proud to announce our customers, for the first time in an event, that Allevo has become a partner of EBRD‘s Enterprise Growth Programme, as a technical cooperation project in support of FinTP started this October.

Outlining the fact that the current users of qPayIntegrator will be the first actual users of FinTP, we expressed our hope for them to get actively involved in FINkers United, even from the early stages of the community. To strengthen this idea, we announced a FinTP Hackathon for spring 2013, aimed to make our customers’ developers get familiar and comfortable with the FinTP code and also to work as a true community. So, we’re counting on you 🙂

We are looking forward to see you at the 22nd User Group, where we will be able to share the results of the Hackathon. Until then, you can enjoy viewing some pictures from the event on Allevo Facebook page.

By: Ioana Moldovan

On 12.12.12 🙂 we gathered for the Allevo’s 21st User Group. Therefore, I would like to thank all our customers who have been by our side all this time, whose collaboration and suggestions helped us improve our products and services over the years.

We talked about qPayIntegrator v3 and its implementation status within our customer base; we had a vivid discussion on current and future TransFonD SEPA projects (SCT, SDD and the implementation of settlement mechanism for RON using the SEPA scheme), engaging the TransFonD representatives who contributed by adding clarity and qualitative analysis to the business context.


We have also presented the highlights of Allevo’s participation at Sibos Osaka this fall and last, but not least, we have laid down the updates and news concerning the FinTP project.


You can read the entire article on our blog.

I told you we take the FinTP project very seriously. And, as it seems, others do too, as October 26th marks the commencement of a technical cooperation project in support of FinTP under the Enterprise Growth Programme (EGP) of the EBRD. Therefore, we are proud to announce that Allevo has become a partner of the Enterprise Growth Programme that assists enterprises in developing their business effectively in a competitive market economy.

For those of you who are not that familiar with EBRD, the acronym stands for the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development and their mission is to support and invest in projects that foster transition to market economies. Within their strategy for Romania, they address several key transition challenges, one of them being to promote stability and expand products in the financial sector. And it is here that FinTP fits like a charm.

Thus, starting now and for a period of 18 months, Allevo will work closely with the team of advisors assigned by EBRD, to refine the FinTP project and to truly turn it into a successful venture.

Goes without saying that we continue to be more than interested in your input, your opinions. Because it all started with creating a better and more advantageous alternative for everybody: for our customers, for our partners, for the future beneficiaries of this application, for the developers, for the financial sector. And we are not stepping away from this path. And even this advisory project is aimed to make us better understand how to address and accommodate the various needs of everyone in this community, the one created around FinTP, that we called FINkers United.

So, let’s become united in a better financial thinking!