e-Finance on FINkers United, June 2012 (RO)

e-Financed covered Allevo’s FINkers United event dated May 24, in the following article (RO):

“Inovatia, un concept la care visam cu totii, dar de care ne si temem intr-o oarecare masura. Cu toate acestea, Allevo a a ajuns la concluzia ca nu e suficient doar sa vorbesti despre inovatie in sistemul financiar-bancar, de parca ar fi un taram utopic, ci ca trebuie sa si faci primii pasi in aceasta directie. Astfel, marcand o premiera in piata financiara, Allevo a decis sa aduca la cunostinta publicului larg creatia echipei sale, sa partajeze public experienta si cunoasterea acumulata.
Din aceasta initiativa s-a nascut ideea de a dezvolta prima aplicatie open source destinata procesarii tranzactiilor financiare, numita FinTP, si de a crea o comunitate in jurul acesteia, FINkers United. O miscare cu adevarat indrazneata, dar una in care Allevo crede cu tarie.” – Cristian Pavel, eFinance

Please read the full article in Romanian:

e-Finance on FINkers United, June 2012

Monday, June 18, 2012


I took the liberty to write this post on a more personal note. Because I just felt the need to share my feelings and my enthusiasm regarding the previous week that I have spent in Belfast with the Innotribe team.

Intensive work and few sleeping hours, but, my god, does it feel good when you see or hear participants’ reactions. For those of you who have already been to an Innotribe event, I bet you understand what I’m talking about and fully agree. For those of you who did not have the chance yet, and it is a chance you wanna take, believe me, I recommend it with all my heart.

I should start from the beginning though: me and Ioana (yes, another Ioana) went to Belfast last week to be part of the Innotribe crew preparing the event that took place in the fabulous Titanic Building, on June 13-14. It was part of our training to make us feel more comfortable and knowledgeable in organizing innotribish events for Allevo. Cause we believe that this is the type of events that truly enables collaboration, invites people to share and discuss opinions, helps receive a more authentic and useful feed-back on the featured topics.

Belfast was chilly, but I actually felt warm among the Innotribe crew. They really made us feel like part of the team (and what a team that is) and that, for me, matters a lot. I considered it a privilege to spend almost 18 hours a day with this team, to work, talk and laugh with them, to get to know such wonderful people and to learn from them as much as I can. So here’s to you: Kosta, Mela, Martine, Nektarios, Matteo, Dominik, Greet, Peter, Innes, Muriel and Jenna. You guys ROCK! 🙂

It was my first Innotribe event and watching participants enjoy the experience as much as they did made me feel like coming back home and try to “innotribe” all Allevo’s events from now on 🙂 We had a first innotribe-inspired event in May this year, the FINkers United. The great feedback we got then and the wonderful experience in Belfast make me wanna have so many more 🙂 So, I’m looking forward to Sibos Osaka where I hope we prove skills learned in our own innotribish session. But until then, I guess I could just practice on our internal meetings and try to make the “giants” in our company more agile 🙂 (Innotribe knows what I’m talking about :P). But this is another discussion that we’re gonna have on a different occasion.

All these being said, I guess I’ve been “innotribed” for good 🙂

By: Ioana Moldovan

As accustomed for the past few years, Allevo’s delegation will be present at SWIFT’s CEE Regional Conference, held in Vienna. Moreover, our CEO, Sorin Guiman is part of the innovation plenary panel, to share his opinion on whether successful innovation is crucial for financial market participants as they strive to capitalize on new opportunities in the current challenging and changing financial landscape, on how it is not simple to innovate and experiment while also retaining the highest levels of security, resilience and reliability.

An answer to the panel questions “So how can banks innovate to stay ahead of the game? And is innovation accessible for market participants of all sizes and in all countries?” might be our FinTP project, the open source application for financial transactions processing.

We’ll come back with impressions from the conference, so do follow our blog.